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PUBLIC MARKS with tags middle-east & fromDel

May 2006

March 2006

February 2006

Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war

by mikepower
Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed.

The New Yorker: The Memo by Jane Mayer

by mikepower
How an internal effort to ban the abuse and torture of detainees was thwarted.

US troops taught Iraqi gestures

by mikepower
The US military has funded a computer game to teach its troops how to use and decipher Iraqi body language.

Jasem al-Aqrab: The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

by mikepower
Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of Iraq and the so-called Sunni triangle. - Washington's Iraq Blindness

by mikepower
The Iraq that exists in President Bush’s imagination and the real Iraq, the one in which 160,000 U.S. troops occupy a nation sliding into civil war, have never seemed further apart.

January 2006

Guardian Unlimited | Special reports | Israel's shooting of young girl highlights international hypocrisy, say Palestinians

by mikepower
Israeli soldiers killed twice as many Palestinians last week alone - both of them children - as the number of Israelis killed by Hamas all last year.

Bush has backward view of dissent

by mikepower
Did Bush deliberately deceive the American people to justify the war in Iraq? I don't know...and neither do you. But here's what we do know: The president doesn't think we should be asking in the first place. And that might be the biggest scandal of all.

Independent: Palestinian with Aids barred from Israeli hospital

by mikepower
A Palestinian Aids patient has been denied permission to leave Gaza for treatment in Israel despite warnings by senior Israeli clinicians that the case is urgent.

Guardian: Official US agency paints dire picture of 'out-of-control' Iraq

by mikepower
An official assessment drawn up by the US foreign aid agency depicts the security situation in Iraq as dire, amounting to a "social breakdown" in which criminals have "almost free rein".

D-squared Digest

by mikepower
Literally people have been asking me: "How is it that you were so amazingly prescient about Iraq? Why is it that you were right about everything at precisely the same moment when we were wrong?"

The Village Voice: The Bush Beat

by mikepower
A year after tearfully accepting a Medal of Freedom from George W. Bush for his disastrous reign in Iraq, preposterous pasha Jerry Bremer has rewritten history with a ghosted "diary" and started a book tour by saying, "I didn't do it."

December 2005

Iraq's Death Squads

by mikepower
OF ALL THE bloodshed in Iraq, none may be more disturbing than the campaign of torture and murder being conducted by U.S.-trained government police forces.

August 2005

How to Win in Iraq - Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr.

by mikepower
U.S. forces in Iraq have failed to defeat the insurgency or improve security. Winning will require a new approach to counterinsurgency, one that focuses on providing security to Iraqis

Prospect - A muslim Journey

by mikepower
British Islam is dominated by culturally and theologically conservative south Asians. But the London bombs may help to make it more open to those who want to engage with the modern world

Sickening story in The Washington Post

by mikepower
Documents Tell of Brutal Improvisation by GIs: Interrogated General's Sleeping-Bag Death, CIA's Use of Secret Iraqi Squad Are Among Details

The Neo-Conservative Ascendancy in the Bush Administration

by mikepower
Jim Lobe: the man who has, in my opinion, done better reportorial work on the neoconservatives and the Bush administration than any other reporter around: TomDispach

July 2005

Iraqi Casualties: Unnamed and Unnoticed

by mikepower
An in-depth look at how we have treated Iraqi civilian deaths by veteran war reporter Judith Coburn

Roy Greenslade: The lies behind the lies: Secrets and Lies: The True Story of the Iraq War by Dilip Hiro

by mikepower
A depressing but magisterial assessment of the reasoning that led to the invasion of Iraq.

The Smirking Chimp

by mikepower
Daniel Ellsberg: 'I wrote Bush's war words — in 1965'

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag middle-east

human-rights +   hypocrisy +   israel +  

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last mark : 24/05/2006 19:52