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PUBLIC MARKS with tags meme & 4chan

June 2010

“for the lolz”: 4chan is hacking the attention economy

by alphoenix
Amidst all of this, 4chan has “popped.” Journalists and academics are clamoring to discuss and analyze 4chan. At first, it was all about discussing whether or not this community of 9.5 million mostly young mostly male internet people was evil or brilliant. Lately, the obsession focuses on anonymity, signaling that Chris’ TED talk set the frame for public discourse about 4chan. Both of these are certainly interesting topics. 4chan has created some of the most lovable memes on the internet but /b/tards have also been some of the most nefarious trolls and griefers on the web.

February 2010


by alphoenix
Il n’y a tout simplement rien d’étonnant à ce que l’un des meilleurs mèmes du monde mettent en scène un ours tout trognon au premier abord, qui se révèle en réalité être un putain de pédophile jusqu’à la moelle. Cet ours s’appelle Pedobear. Cet ours est l’ami des enfants. Des enfants de moins de douze ans de préférence.

October 2009


by Spone
This is my favorite 4chan meme. I've spent half of my boring day in the office looking for the best rage threads and made this collection. I'd love to credit authors but most of them seem to be... anonymous. I found some of these on 4chan, some on sites like digg, reddit, some on google (and it wasn't easy to find something with unknown number of F's and U's in the file name), etc. These are the best of them in one place. Enjoy!

Les Observateurs n°90 : Les mèmes

by alphoenix
Les mèmes et lolcats... petites plaisanterie d'internaute avec Camille Paloque-Bergès

girls and geeks: 4chan for god

by alphoenix
Comment une vidéo et une cute-girl peut mettre à mal 4chan et les /b/tards

September 2009

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag meme

bizarre +   chuck_norris +   comedy +   cool +   facts +   fun +   funny +   geek +   humor +   joke +   list +   movies +   popculture +   reference +   tv +   video +   web +   weird +  

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last mark : 13/06/2010 11:03

last mark : 30/10/2009 10:02