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PUBLIC MARKS with tags mda & uml


StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform

by jdrsantos
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelli


StarUML - The Open Source UML/MDA Platform

by jdrsantos & 5 others
StarUML is an open source project to develop fast, flexible, extensible, featureful, and freely-available UML/MDA platform running on Win32 platform. The goal of the StarUML project is to build a software modeling tool and also platform that is a compelli


by roulian & 2 others
AndroMDA is one of the most powerful Open Source MDA Generators on the planet. It is used all over the world for everything from simple CRUD applications to complex enterprise applications. AndroMDA comes with an array of ready-made cartridges for common architectures like Spring, EJB, .NET, Hibernate, Struts and even more. The project wizard gets you started in no time. An Eclipse integration is in the works and will be finished soon. If you have a custom architecture, AndroMDA can also help you - by writing a so-called cartridge, you can customize AndroMDA to fit your needs.


UML2 Utilities for Model Driven Development (Alphaworks)

by stratic
Des helpers de haut niveau pour manipuler EMF


by Elryk & 2 others
AndroMDA (prononcé Andromeda) est un framework de génération extensible qui adhère au paradigme MDA. Les modèles UML sont transformés sur des plateformes techniques (J2EE, Spring, .NET). AndroMDA fournit des cartouches pour Axis, jBPM, Struts, JSF, Spring et Hibernate.

Offshore + MDA +SOA

by stratic & 2 others
Intérêt d'une démarche outillée (MDA + SOA) dans un contexte développement Offshore


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