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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "martial arts" & diy


Facebook (9) | Koiguchi repair - Need advice!

by sbrothier
As everyone need to do sooner or later, the time has come to repair koiguchi (again :-). This time I need to repair at least three saya, one for myself two for the club I train with, and probably more as well..

Nihonzashi : DIY Supplies

by sbrothier
# Nihonzashi Diamond Finger Stones Long lasting polishing 40 to 0.25 micron (~ 450 to 40,000 grit) # 3M PSA Lapping Film 12 to 0.3 micron (~ 1800 to 30,000 grit) # 3M Micro-finishing Film 80 to 6 micron (~ 260 to 2500 grit) # Japanese Water Stones 80 to 8000 grit # Susudake すす竹 - Aged and Smoked bamboo for mekugi pins # Cotton Tsuka-Ito - 10 mm wide (Imported from Japan) # Silk Tsuka-Ito - 11 mm wide (Imported from Japan) # Leather Tsuka-Ito - 9 mm wide (Imported from Japan) # Black Cotton Tsuka-Ito - 10 mm wide (CAS / Hanwei) # Blue Cotton Tsuka-Ito - 11 mm wide (CAS / Hanwei) # Black Leather Tsuka-Ito - 9 mm wide (CAS / Hanwei) # Ray Skin (Same' 鮫) - Used for covering tsuka (handles) # Poplar Saya Blank # Buffalo Horn Block - Great for making kurikata # Buffalo Horn Sheet - Great for making kashira and koiguchi

Make Your Own Cutting Stand Page 1

by sbrothier
The first thing to do is to read through the instructions and print out the PDF diagram so you can get an idea of the parts you will be making and assembling and the materials you will need. You can click on the link above or the thumbnail below to get a full-sized printable version.

Tameshigiri Stand | -{ }-

by sbrothier
Second on the list of martial arts gear I could make now that I have a backyard: a tameshigiri stand. About as simple as the makiwara, if not more so. I started with a 3′ 4×4 post:

Tameshigiri Cutting Stand - Handmade Functional Katanas - Forged Battle Ready Samurai Swords

by sbrothier
Hardwood cutting stand for Tameshigiri. Precision cut for easy assembly. Measures 37" inches overall from bottom of floor to the tip of the dowel. 26" From floor to the bass of cutting plate. The legs extend 27.5" inches wide. The dowel is 1" inch.

Japanese Sword DIY Tools

by sbrothier
These had to find tools are useful for repairing and customizing katana. We also carry various DIY supplies to get the job done.


Comment nouer l'étui du sabre? - Association Dokusan

by sbrothier
Afin de préserver le sabre des agressions extérieures (intempéries, poussières, chocs) en dehors de son utilisation, il est de coutume de le ranger dans un étui appelé katanabukuro (littéralement: sac à sabre).



by sbrothier
Comment nouer le sageo

Fiches pratiques Association Dokusan

by sbrothier & 1 other
Si rien ne s'oppose à l'utilisation d'une ceinture étroite pour commencer l'étude de la voie du sabre, le iaidoka préfère généralement revêtir un obi ( 帯) large lorsqu'il s'implique dans la pratique. En effet, outre des qualités fonctionnelle et esthétique, la ceinture large est emblématique de l'élégant vêtement coutumier japonais (kimono). Le raffinement ne se limite pas au choix de tel ou tel type de ceinture mais aussi à la manière plus ou moins complexe de la nouer. Voici un échantillon de noeuds pour homme destinés à fermer un kimono traditionnel.

How to Fold Your Hakama

by sbrothier
Keeping your Kendo gear in good order is important to all Kendoka. The Hakama need to be folded after each use, else they become wrinkled and the pleats will slowly be lost. It is essential that you maintain the pleats in your Hakama, as each pleat represents one of the virtues all kendoka strive to demonstrate. Loosing a pleat is the same as saying you no longer care about the virtue it represents!! With a little bit of practice, the entire folding process should take no more than a few minutes.


by sbrothier
This page features the construction of Shirasaya. Thumbnail images are accompanied by a short narrative. I did notice that in the process of creating this project page that there are quite a few images involved and that I had neglected to detail most of the shiage stages (finish). I will remedy this with additional photos to be added later.

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last mark : 02/11/2010 08:28