public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags marketing & education



Les enfants propulsés dans la cour des grands - Veille - Cible -

by irols
Les 6-11 ans sont-ils encore des enfants? La question mérite d'être posée. Car, à force d'être poussés à grandir plus vite, à force d'être confrontés de plus en plus tôt à la réalité des choses, ils tendent à zapper leur enfance. Au risque de devenir des adultes insatisfaits et individualistes.


Pour une écologie de l'esprit - LIVRE

by irols
Le marketing télévisuel a contribué à une forme d'« inversion générationnelle », où les jeunes deviennent prescripteurs et les adultes infantilisés.  PRENDRE SOIN DE LA JEUNESSE ET DES GÉNÉRATIONS  par Bernard Stiegler  Flammarion, 342 pages, 22 euros.      

Pourquoi ils font la loi - L'Express

by irols
Du choix de leurs vêtements à celui des programmes de télé, en passant par l'indiscipline en classe et par les petits actes d'incivisme, les 12-18 ans se révèlent de plus en plus ingouvernables. La faute à qui?


«In the new paradigm, the Principal is now called “The Chief Learner”» | Mario tout de go

by irols
Je me demandais… si c’est instructif pour le domaine du marketing, est-ce que ça peut aussi intéresser les gens du scolaire?

Education Vs Sales-based Marketing

by denmx
What?s the single most important process determining whether or not your coaching business is successful?

University Of Victory Creating TRUE Entrepreneurs via personal

by SherryCooper
online entrepreneur university with affiliate marketing opportunity. best home based business opportunity. best entrepreneur school. compare trump university of phoenix success university emerald passport to prosperity international megawealthy. personal success coaching, law of attraction, and marketing webinars. opportunity for coaches wanted speakers wanted trainers

Business and Financial News - New York Times

by SherryCooper
Find breaking news & business news on Wall Street, media & advertising, international business, banking, interest rates, the stock market, ...

University Of Victory Creating TRUE Entrepreneurs via personal

by SherryCooper
online entrepreneur university with affiliate marketing opportunity. best home based business opportunity. best entrepreneur school. compare trump university of phoenix success university emerald passport to prosperity international megawealthy. personal success coaching, law of attraction, and marketing webinars. opportunity for coaches wanted speakers wanted trainers

United States Telecommunications Training Institute

by SherryCooper
Thanks to the steadfast support of the USTTI family of Board members and sponsors, the USTTI enters its 24th year of tuition-free training. ...

Training Journal

by SherryCooper
Training Journal - Professional Development for Trainers. 13 Feb 2007 ... 01.12.2006 - Government has no courage, claims critic of new training bill ...

University Of Victory Creating TRUE Entrepreneurs via personal

by SherryCooper
online entrepreneur university with affiliate marketing opportunity. best home based business opportunity. best entrepreneur school. compare trump university of phoenix success university emerald passport to prosperity international megawealthy. personal success coaching, law of attraction, and marketing webinars. opportunity for coaches wanted speakers wanted trainers

Entrepreneur Magazine Radio

by SherryCooper
Featuring top business leaders and entrepreneurs sharing the secrets of their success.


by SherryCooper
ENTREPRENEURS is much more than a Reality Show. It is an unprecedented year long “project” that allows us to partner with the University system, ...

University Of Victory Creating TRUE Entrepreneurs via personal success coaching

by SherryCooper
online entrepreneur university with affiliate marketing opportunity. best home based business opportunity. best entrepreneur school. compare trump university of phoenix success university emerald passport to prosperity international megawealthy. personal success coaching, law of attraction, and marketing webinars. opportunity for coaches wanted speakers wanted trainers


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag marketing

Adam Brucker +   Bad Slacks +   badslacks +   better business +   cingular +   consulting +   criterion +   Criterion Advisors +   training +  

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