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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "mark pilgrim" & hotlinked

10 May 2005 16:30

Dive Into Greasemonkey

by François Hodierne & 40 others (via)
Dive Into Greasemonkey is a book about programming with Greasemonkey, a Firefox extension for customizing web pages.

14 March 2005 16:45

A New Butler For Jonas

by François Hodierne
Furthermore, suppose the tool were well commented, and structured in such a way that people who have even the most tenuous grasp on the concepts of HTML could reasonably modify it to remove the links and content that they don’t want, and add or reorder the links that they do want?

14 March 2005 16:30


by François Hodierne & 6 others (via)
Butler enhances Google search results by adding links to competitors. It also removes ads, changes typography, and a few other useful things.

07 March 2005 11:15

Mark Pilgrim's Greasemonkeys scripts

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
Be sure to check the one called LIP (Link Integrity Preservation)

01 March 2005 21:45

IBM : phpblog@developerWorks

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
by Andi Gutmans, Zeev Suraski, Ken Coar, Sam Ruby and .... Mark Pilgrim himself :)

01 March 2005 21:15

Mark Pilgrim is alive !

by François Hodierne & 1 other (via)
"On a related note, Anne, it's been fascinating sitting back and watching you travel along the same path to technical-blogging-enlightenment that I took."

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François Hodierne
last mark : 18/01/2006 23:10