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PUBLIC MARKS with tags logiciel & gnome




by lecyborg
This software helps you add a little more security to your desktop. It does so by detecting one of your bluetooth devices, most likely your mobile phone, and keeping track of its distance. If you move away from your computer and the distance is above a certain level (no measurement in meters is possible) for a given time, it automatically locks your desktop (or starts any other shell command you want).

Tango icon theme generator

by lecyborg
The third major incarnation of the Tango Generator is a python application allowing the user to collate icons from all over the internet, and merge them into a single personalised icon theme. A single theme will typically contain more than 10,000 icons. Thanks to the Tango Icon Theme Guidlines, icons from over 20 themes can be mixed at will while remaining assured of a consistent overall appearance. The Generator is capable of themeing the Gnome and XFCE desktop environments, aswell as a wide range of common GTK applications - including Azureus, Gftp and Inkscape.



by camel & 1 other
cGmail (check gnome mail) is an email checker and notifier applet for the gnome desktop written in python. cGmail will check periodically your account/s and will notify you on new incoming messages.


by lecyborg & 1 other
cGmail (check gnome mail) is an email checker and notifier applet for the gnome desktop written in python. cGmail will check periodically your account/s and will notify you on new incoming messages.

Linux on the root !

by Léonux & 5 others
Initialement nommé "Guide de survie de l'Ubuntiste débutant, les auteurs ont choisi d'élargir leur champ de documentation à GNU Linux. Loin d'être exhaustif, ce site pourrait, néanmoins, intéresser les débutants comme les utilisateurs avancés de ce système d'exploitation. Les membres de l'équipe de Linux on the Root utilisent des distributions différentes (Ubuntu, Fedora) mais les deux principaux écrivants ont choisi Debian Etch. Les retours et remarques sur les articles sont les bienvenus, il est à noter que Linux on the Root est sous licence GNU FDL.


gtkmm - the C++ interface to GTK

by -Nicolas-
gtkmm follows the official GNOME Platform Bindings release schedule. This guarantees API/ABI-stability and new releases on a predictable schedule, delivering C++ API for the underlying GTK and GNOME APIs as soon as possible.

Scribes - Simple And Powerful Text Editor for GNOME

by fredbird & 5 others (via)
Scribes is a text editor for GNOME that is simple, slim and sleek, yet powerful. Scribes focuses on streamlining your workflow. It does so by ensuring common and repetitive operations are intelligently automated. And also by eliminating factors that prevent you from focusing on your tasks. The result is a text editor that provides a fluid user experience. An editor that is easy and fun to use. And an editor that ensures the safety of your documents at all times. Scribes is Free Software licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.


by fredbird
Nautilus-action est une extension de nautilus permettant d"ajouter des fonctions au menu contextuel (menu lors d"un clic droit). Ces fonctions sont appellées actions. Nautilus-action fonctionne un peu comme nautilus_scripts à part que sa configuration se fait entièrement graphiquement et que ce ne sont pas des scripts que l"on ajoute mais des actions (fichier xml de configuration de gconf en *.schemas ). Nautilus-action a l"avantage contrairement à nautilus_scripts d"être entièrement graphique, de plus il permet de filtrer les fichiers auquel les actions peuvent s"appliquer (on ne peut pas tagguer un fichier texte, inversement on ne peut pas éditer en sudo un fichier mp3).

Winki The Ripper

by fredbird
Winki The Ripper aims to be the easiest program for video encoding. It is actually just a graphical frontend for GNOME written in python to command line tools like mencoder, mplayer, mkvtoolnix, oggenc and lsdvd.


by fredbird
Devhelp is an API documentation browser for GNOME 2. It works natively with gtk-doc (the API reference framework developed for GTK ( and used throughout GNOME for API documentation). If you use gtk-doc with your project, you can use Devhelp to browse the documentation.

GAlternatives - BlogNote

by fredbird & 1 other
Vous connaissez le système de update-alternatives ? Ce système qui vous permet d'avoir plusieurs logiciels ayant le même but installé sur la machine, et qui vous permet de dire lequel vous souhaitez utiliser pour ce but précis ...

mariuss’ weblog » Nautilus Scripts for Subversion

by fredbird & 5 others
Based on the CVS Nautilus Scripts written by Gavin Brown I wrote a set of scripts for subversion. You can right click on a subversion managed file or folder (you can also multiple select) and then select a command from the Subversion submenu. All scripts will give feedback using a zenity message box.

mCatalog : multimedia catalog for gnome/linux

by fredbird
An application for catalogue things like films and books. mCatalog is an application for catalogue films and books. It's completely written in C# and dessigned for working in the GNOME desktop. The major goal is to be visually nice and as usable as possible. It allow to search your book or film in amazon, searching by title, keyword or ISBN.


by fredbird & 1 other
Gnome + Flickr; Gnickr... Get it? Gnickr allows you to manage photos on your Flickr site as if they were local files on your Gnome desktop. It does this by creating a Flickr virtual filesystem.


by fredbird
CSBoard is a small GUI for gnuchess. It is written in C# and uses gtk-sharp and mono. It is simple, but allows you just play chess with SVG graphics and native look and desktop theme usage.

Revelation - About

by fredbird
Revelation is a password manager for the GNOME 2 desktop, released under the GNU GPL license. It stores all your accounts and passwords in a single, secure place, and gives you access to it through a user-friendly graphical interface.

Griffith - Home

by fredbird & 1 other
Griffith is a movie collection manager application. Adding items to the movie collection is as quick and easy as typing the film title and selecting a supported source. Griffith will then try to fetch all the related information from the Web.

Alexandria: a book collection manager for GNOME

by fredbird & 2 others
Alexandria is a GNOME application to help you manage your book collection. It is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License and provided without any warranties of any kind.

The Official Site for gDesklet Sensors & Displays

by fredbird & 6 others
gDesklets provides an advanced architecture for desktop applets -- tiny displays sitting on your desktop in a symbiotic relationship of eye candy and usefulness.

GNOME-FR (Pays Francophones)

by -Nicolas- & 4 others
GNOME-FR rassemble l'ensemble des développeurs, traducteurs et utilisateurs GNOME francophones dans le seul et unique but de promouvoir et de favoriser l'essor du projet GNOME dans les pays francophones. GNOME-FR est une initiative du projet marketing de GNOME.

Forums francophones Gnome

by -Nicolas- & 2 others (via)
Forum en français d'entre-aide sur Gnome.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag logiciel

actu +   Actua +   actualité +   aide +   apple +   assistance +   eMac +   forums +   ibook +   iMac +   ipod +   itunes +   itv +   logiciels +   mac +   macintosh +   matériel +   mini +   news +   os x +   power mac +   powerbook +   programmation +   shuffle +   steve jobs +   switch +   technique +  

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