Fleex - Apprenez l'anglais avec vos vidéos préférées
by dzc & 1 otherFleex alterne les sous-titres en fonction de votre niveau : les sous-titres faciles apparaissent en anglais, alors que les plus difficiles sont affichés en français.
Freeware > Movie2iTunes 1.2
by nhoizey & 1 otherThis droplet allows you to add other than plain QuickTime movies to iTunes without altering the original files in any way.
0xced: Front Row Trailers
by nhoizey & 1 otherRegardez les bandes-annonces en français, en allemand etc. dans Front Row grâce à Front Row Trailers
Apple Gazette » Blog Archive » Software Spotlight: FrameByFrame 1.1
by nhoizeyIf you’ve ever wanted to play around with your legos or action figures and create some kind of stop motion animation movie, then you’ll want to check out FrameByFrame 1.1.
Elephants Dream
by -Nicolas- & 12 othersElephants Dream is the world’s first open movie, made entirely with open source graphics software such as Blender, and with all production files freely available to use however you please, under a Creative Commons license.
The short film was created by the Orange Open Movie Project studio in Amsterdam during 2005/2006, bringing together a diverse team of artists and developers from all over the world.
mCatalog : multimedia catalog for gnome/linux
by fredbirdAn application for catalogue things like films and books.
mCatalog is an application for catalogue films and books. It's completely written in C# and dessigned for working in the GNOME desktop. The major goal is to be visually nice and as usable as possible.
It allow to search your book or film in amazon, searching by title, keyword or ISBN.
(6 marks)