Eric Meyer on CSS: Home
by shadoko & 3 others (via)Welcome to readers both current and future! This site serves as a companion to the book Eric Meyer on CSS, now available from New Riders Publishing. Here you will find the project files to accompany each of the 13 projects in the book, useful links, some bonus materials cut from the printed book because of length, and more. If you don't own the book yet, you can certainly look at any of these materials, as well as read about the book and its author, sample some praise for the book and links to full reviews, and find out where to order a copy of your own.
Flash Xpress
by noelopanPortail de ressources pour Flash et Dreamweaver. Composants, Extensions... Dreamweaver et PHP.
SitePoint - Fresh Thinking for Web Developers and Designers
by noelopan & 36 othersExcellent site dédié au Webmastering. Webdesign, langages, promotion et référencement de sites, outils, stratégie de conception de site, problèmes de propriété intellectuelle...
Mezzoblue | Essentials
by noelopan & 2 othersBlog de Dave Shea (Webdesigner) - Articles sur CSS et accessibilité. Essais de CSS.
by noelopan & 4 othersSite de Eric Meyer (Webdesigner) - Articles et bibliographie sur les CSS.
Web Standards with Imagination - Dustin Diaz
by noelopan & 11 othersArticles sur CSS, Javascript, XHTML, Standards. Reférences bibliographiques. Inspiration : navigation, thèmes d'accessibilité...
Liste de livres français consacrés aux Standards - Forum Alsacréations : CSS et Standards Web
by pyxosledisciple (via)Liste de livres sur les standards du web : xml, css, html, etc
(9 marks)