February 2006
DebianHelp.co.uk - Debian help made easy
by macroron & 2 othersvery good articles,tutorials about debian linux and most will work for ubutu linux
QTParted - linux partitions
by macroronbootable Linux distribution that comes in the form of a CD or DVD can be a lifesaver when your computer goes awry. In this feature, we guide you through the process of fixing Windows with Knoppix, which includes resizing Windows partitions, solving key sy
January 2006
Free Software Blog: ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
Free Software Blog Home - ODOC - one day one (shell) command
by macroronNews, tutorials, tips and tricks about Free Softwares
December 2005
New Linux User Blog
by macroron & 1 otherthe source for explanations, how-tos and general ol' geeky fun around the Linux Operating System.
Linux Magazine: Power Tools
by macroronpresents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio
Linux Magazine: Perls of Wisdom
by macroronpresents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio
Linux Magazine: Topics
by macroronpresents the widest and most in-depth coverage of everything Linux. From the depths of the kernel to the desktop and spanning all layers of the Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl-Python-PHP stack, each month's Linux Magazine offers pragmatic, insightful, and solutio
October 2005
configuring linux: a basic guide - www.reallylinux.com
by macrorona basic article on how to configure linux so that it will run your webserver, telnet, ftp, mysql etc.
July 2005
beginner help page - reallylinux.com home
by macroronassistance for linux beginners - essential commands - installing & configuring
(16 marks)