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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & project



by camel & 9 others
* Desktop * Projectmanagement Collabtive is web-based groupware to get your projects done! * Easy to use * Projects, milestones, taskslists, tasks * Messages, instant messaging * Timetracking * Multilanguage Download Collabtive Open Source (GPL) Current Release: 0.4.5 Date: April 17, 2008


SharkOS Project

by jdrsantos
SharkOS is a concept for a new distribution of an operating system. At this time it is based on the Linux kernel, but there are plans to explore newer options such as NewOS, GNU HURD, and even the SunOS Kernel. The concept behind SharkOS is to redefine ce

Download APP for Windows & Linux on

by didi
APP automatically calculates a time plan / project plan based on effort estimations and expected end dates. Tasks (+ a max. perc.-rate) can be assigned to one or more resources. Vacations, predecessors, weekly work hours,.. are considered in calculation

Auto Project Planner - Homepage

by didi & 1 other
Auto Project Planner is an Open Source project management application for Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. The software automatically calculates a proper project plan based on your effort estimations and the due dates you have in mind. A list of tasks and a list of employees can be defined. Tasks can be assigned to one or more employees. It is also possible to define a maximum percentage value an employee can/should work on a task. Public holidays, leaves, weekly working hours and some more parameters can be specified and are considered in the calculation. According to this input the software compute time plans by minimizing the MSE (mean squared error) between expected and computed end dates.

Nuclear Elephant: The DSPAM Project

by camel
DSPAM is a scalable and open-source content-based spam filter designed for multi-user enterprise systems. On a properly configured system, many users experience results between 99.5% - 99.95%, or one error for every 200 to 2000 messages. DSPAM supports many different MTAs and can also be deployed as a stand-alone SMTP appliance. For developers, the DSPAM core engine (libdspam) can be easily incorporated directly into applications for drop-in filtering (GPL applies; commercial licenses are also available).


by maxjhuang & 42 others
freshmeat maintains the Web's largest index of Unix and cross-platform software, themes and related "eye-candy", and Palm OS software. Thousands of applications, which are preferably released under an open source license, are meticulously cataloged in the freshmeat database, and links to new applications are added daily. Each entry provides a description of the software, links to download it and to obtain more information, and a history of the project's releases, so readers can keep up-to-date on the latest developments.

uClinux™ -- Embedded Linux Microcontroller Project -- Home Page

by Pomin & 1 other
The Linux/Microcontroller project is a port of Linux to systems without a Memory Management Unit (MMU).


又遇 N Puzzle

by YukuanBlog
針對 N Puzzle,之前以 CLIPS, C Language Integrated Production System 求解過,那是專家系統的課,所以我也很配合地,以 heuristic 的方式,寫起一條條的 production rules 。

The Thread Class Library for Linux

by YukuanBlog
在設計應用程式時,一些需要並行處理(concurrent processing)的功能,已經很少人使用中斷(interrupt)的方法解決,也不必再自行利用一個輪詢迴圈(Round-robin loop)來達到並行的效果──因為現在作業系統的設計,都已經支援執行緒(thread)了。

久違了 XTinux

by YukuanBlog
前陣子到 Study Area 閒逛時,發現了之前為公司弄的一些 PDA 軟體,同事把它 Screen Shot 起來,在那展示著: - Free Project Management Software

by Riduidel
If you are looking for Free Project Management Software, then you have come to the right place. You can install jxProject on all of your computers at no cost. You'll also be able to share your project plans with anyone that has access to the Internet, bec

GanttProject - Home

by Riduidel & 14 others
A project can be subdivided into sub-tasks, each with a begin date, duration, dependencies, progress, and notes.Ganttproject uses an XML file format and can export PNG/JPG images, HTML web pages or PDF documents.


by fredbird & 1 other
Planner is a tool for planning, scheduling and tracking projects. Planner is an open source project targetting the GNOME Desktop.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag linux

Amavisd-new +   clamav +   courier IMAP +   howto +   imap +   kerberos +   ldap +   mysql +   openldap +   postfix +   postgrey +   sasl +   spamassassin +   squirrelmail +   sysadmin +   tls +   ubuntu +  

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