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PUBLIC MARKS with tags linux & office


How to get Linux in your office | TuxRadar Linux

by nicolargo
Faire entrer Linux au bureau, l'argumentaire...


Go-oo - Your Office Suite

by ycc2106
Go-oo has built in OpenXML import filters and it will import your Microsoft Works files. Compared with up-stream OO.o, it has better Microsoft binary file support (with eg. fields support), and it will import WordPerfect graphics beautifully. If you are reliant on Excel VBA macros - then Go-oo offers the best macro fidelity too. If you expect your spreadsheets to calculate compatibly, or you get embedded Visio diagrams in your documents, you'll want Go-oo.


Damn Small Linux is light | Le blog de Yohann CIURLIK | Spawnrider.Net :: Blog

by camel
sortie de la version 4.3 de Damn Small Linux. C’est une distribution très légère de 50Mo environ basée sur Knoppix, Debian et GNU Linux. Elle peut s’intaller sur : * Une clé USB, * Une carte Compact Flash via la méthode dite “Frugal Install”, * Un mini-cd, * Un ordinateur 486DX avec 16MB de RAM, * 128 Mo de mémoire RAM. Bref, une pure merveille pour les vieilles machines ou les petites configuration (les pc embarqués et les nano-ITX). A l’intérieur, des tonnes de logiciels. Et oui, avec 50 Mo vous pourrez en faire des choses.Navigateur, client Mail, suite office légére, XMMS, client FTP, AIM, ICQ, …

Forum francophone

by camel
odf-converter-integrator est un outil pratique pour ouvrir les fichiers Microsoft Office 2007 (le nouveau format Open XML, .docx, .xlsx et .pptx). La conversion est d'excellente qualité et disponible pour les plateformes Linux ou Windows. Il vous suffit de lancer le programme, d'ouvrir le fichier .docx, xlsx ou pptx et la conversion s'effectue automatiquement au format ODF.

tpp: Text Presentation Program

by etheriau
Text-based Power-Point Alternative. Not sure why you wouldn't just use OpenOffice though...


Linbox Converter

by CharlesNepote
"Un serveur de conversion de fichiers MS-Office Linbox-Converter est un logiciel de conversion de documents MS-Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) vers les formats PDF, PostScript, texte, HTML, RTF, et TIFF. [...]"

Ufficio Zero, Linux per l'ufficio in italiano, difficoltà zero!

by jdrsantos & 1 other
Ufficio Zero è un sistema operativo completo basato su Linux, completamente in italiano e ottimizzato per le necessità di un ufficio moderno e non solo... grande attenzione è stata posta nei riguardi degli utenti meno esperti, che troveranno un sistema


Live Tech Blog

by rdanays
Live Tech Blog: world technology, IT, software, hardware, blogging news.

Visioo-writer : Visionneuse

by camel & 1 other
Visioo-Writer est un projet de visionneuse (viewer) libre des fichiers et OpenDocument.

ODF Viewer | OpenDocument Fellowship

by camel
This is a light weight, cross-platform viewer for OpenDocument files. Once complete you will be able to distribute ODF files freely, knowing that everyone can download a free, light-weight viewer.

IT Resource Vault - The Key to knowledge

by casper
Free tutorials, guide, documentation, Visual tutorial, how to's instructions on HP-UX, Linux, Windows, Applications and many more. All tutorials are free of charge, great batch of visual guide, visual learning as you see it. | Viewing Word files at the command line

by rcharmont (via)
Utile pour générer des vues texte brut à partir de documents Microsoft Word côté serveur.



by Riduidel & 12 others
AbiWord is a free word processing program similar to Microsoft® Word. It is suitable for typing papers, letters, reports, memos, and so forth. Home

by Hydragon & 47 others
To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format.


by camel
Linbox-Converter est un serveur de conversion de documents MS-Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint) vers pdf, ps, txt, html, rtf ou tiff. La conversion est d'excellente qualité car c'est MS-Office qui est piloté par le serveur pour faire la conversion.

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