January 2006
gnu man - Start Your Linux Experience Here
by macroronForums, News, Blog, Guides, Reviews, How-Tos, Links.
Linux Information Portal: Howto, Help, Tutorials and Information
by macroron & 3 othersThis site is dedicated to providing tutorials, help, guides and links for Linux users.
December 2005
November 2005
Cultured Perl: The elegance of JAPH - "Just another Perl hacker,"
by macroronJAPH is a short script that produces the output "Just another Perl hacker. SEE RESOURCE LINKS ON BOTTOM OF PAGE.
The Munsell Color Palette PDF
by macroronArticle on the Munsell palette (psychologically uniform colour space)
ColorBlender.com - Your free online color matching toolbox
by macroronfree online tool for color matching and palette design!
October 2005
Librarians' Internet Index: Computers
by macroron & 1 otherhttp://www.lii.org/search/file/computers%20