July 2007
daybox.net : Watching Today! : English
by spaceufoDayBox.net : Watching Today!" is a good news polymerization fact, it is currently offering four national languages of real-time news, including the United States, South Korea, Japan and China, news from major advisory site, For example, the Chinese Google News, 163, 33 and so on.
There are also some hot from the blog, and also provided a video hot, hot picture information, through it you can learn the basic of all current hot news.
April 2007
痛いニュース(ノ∀`):【韓国】「ライト兄弟より300年先に作られた」 世界初の飛行機は朝鮮の「飛車」 …遺物など証拠がないので小説で考証に乗り出す
by plasticdreamsそのうち「パソコンは(ry」と言い出しそうだな
March 2007
by plasticdreams「17 名前:オレオレ!オレだよ、名無しだよ!![sage] 投稿日:2007/03/17(土) 15:06:18 0 早くやれ 韓国産キムチが識別できるようになるだけでなんら損害はない」
February 2007
November 2006
(6 marks)