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PUBLIC MARKS with tags kids & privacy

February 2014

Are teenagers really careless about online privacy? | Technology | The Guardian

by sbrothier
Are teenagers really careless about online privacy? As Facebook lifts its sharing restrictions on 13-to-17-year-olds, Jon Henley finds that young people know exactly what to do with their privacy settings – especially where Mum is concerned

danah boyd | apophenia » Social Steganography: Learning to Hide in Plain Sight

by sbrothier
Carmen and her mother are close. As far as Carmen’s concerned, she has nothing to hide from her mother so she’s happy to have her mom as her ‘friend’ on Facebook. Of course, Carmen’s mom doesn’t always understand the social protocols on Facebook and Carmen sometimes gets frustrated. She hates that her mom comments on nearly every post, because it “scares everyone away…Everyone kind of disappears after the mom post…It’s just uncool having your mom all over your wall. That’s just lame.” Still, she knows that her mom means well and she sometimes uses this pattern to her advantage. While Carmen welcomes her mother’s presence, she also knows her mother overreacts. In order to avoid a freak out, Carmen will avoid posting things that have a high likelihood of mother misinterpretation. This can make communication tricky at times and Carmen must work to write in ways that are interpreted differently by different people.

October 2013

Parental Surveillance: Creepy New Ways to Spy on Your Kids | New Republic

by sbrothier
The other day, my eleven-year-old son handed me my iPhone with an accusatory air, as if to say: So this is what you people do behind our backs. While he was looking at stocks, he came across a news item reporting that AT&T, with another company, was about to introduce a snap-around-the-wrist, GPS-tracking, emergency-button-featuring, watch-like thingie for children. It’s called FiLIP, comes in bright colors, and has two-way calling and parent-to-child texting. It allows you to set safe zones, so that you’re alerted when your child enters or leaves a designated area.

July 2013

Smart Diapers: New Diapers Monitor Moisture, Bacteria |

by sbrothier
Smart diapers are embedded with interactive labels that detect moisture, bacteria and sugar. But critics worry the invention could lead to false alarms.

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last mark : 11/02/2014 18:45