Iaido practice and warmup prior to class - YouTube
by TakwannSome kata from Omori Ryu and Katori Shinto Ryu. Shot by a friend with a Sony Cybershot. For more info go to www.doshikai.org
Seminar Notes 99
by Jacques Van Alsenoy, Belguim.
The purpose of these notes is only to note what specific points were emphasised (or struck me) - they are not intended at all to be full descriptions of the different katas (I am not that smart, yet. Maybe one day... who knows!).
by TakwannL’histoire du Iaidō et des différents koryū (écoles anciennes) est assez complexe.
Muso Shinden Ryo Iaido Koryu Kata (All Japan Kendo Federation) - View topic • sharethefiles.com
by TakwannThese Iai arts were performed by NAGAE Matasaburo, in his sixties (guess). He was born and lived in Nagasaki, received the 7th grade of Kendo and 8th grade of Iai from Zen-Nippon Kendo Renmei (All-Japan Kendo Federation). He also practiced Shinto Munen style Iai. The original movies were recorded in 8mm films, then edited in a VHS tape. It's not known who took and maintained these films (maybe one of Matasaburo's disciples did). They were converted to DV (digital video) format, stored in HDD, finally created QuickTime H.263 format (360x240, 15fps, compressed).
Les Idéogrammes de l’école Muso Shinden RYU : Omori ryu - français
by TakwannArticle contenant le document pdf à télécharger.
Musō shinden ryū - Wikipédia
by Takwann & 1 otherMusō shinden ryū (夢想神伝流) est une branche de l'iaidō qui peut avoir comme origine le fondateur de l'iaidō, un samouraï du nom de Hayashizaki Jinsuke Minamoto no Shigenobu. Cette école unique d'escrime (iai) qui naquit pendant la période Edo, a été préservé dans une ligne continue de maîtres à travers les siècles. Elle a été codifiée par maître Nakayama Hakudo (1869 - 1958), et enseigné à travers le monde par maître Takeshi Mitsuzuka et d'autres comme Malcom Tiki Shewan par exemple. Des styles modernes de shinden ryū ont divisés le curriculum en de nombreuses sections.
(11 marks)