December 2006
Orion Magazine
by jlesageideas of sustainability and its cultural contexts; many notable writers and artists here
November 2006
Cabinet Magazine Online -
by jlesagea quarterly journal of art, design, culture; partly playful, some art, some scholarly essays; good mix of specific reviews and overviews
dichtung-digital. Hyperfiction, Netzliteratur, Hypermedia: Interfictions
by jlesagehere is a page listing all essays available in English; distinguished authors
Senses of Cinema
by jlesageone of the best online film journals; exhaustive and regularly updated links page
Contemporary Aesthetics: ejournalof theory, research, and application in aesthetics.
by jlesagelots of essays in each issue
October 2006
Journal for MultiMedia History - Volume 3 (2000) Contents Page
by jlesagejournal of history that uses hypertext and multimedia
Bright Lights Film Journal | Welcome!
by jlesage & 1 otherwell designed web site, excellent essays, covers experimental and gay/lesbian work
Image and Narrative: Online Magazine of the Visual Narrative
by jlesage & 2 othersvaluable resource, worth time to print out and read selected essays
September 2006
Visual Ethnography and Anthropology Links
by jlesageof interest to anyone interested in documentary
Lens On Lebanon
by jlesage"documentary material, photo narratives, and video diaries of daily life conceived, produced, and contributed by residents of Lebanon"
July 2006
by jlesageimportant journal covering independent and avant-garde films; complete index; online essays begin with issue no. 26, fall 1992
eye | the international review of graphic design
by jlesage & 2 othersnew journal of graphic design and visual culture
Counterblast :: The E-journal of Communication and Culture
by jlesagemixture of art and criticism in its focus
June 2006
by jlesagea new kind of hypertextual journal, a little confusing to use but interesting
May 2006
Concrete Poetry: Links, Books, Indexes, and Info.
by jlesageDec. 05 update; the poem looks like the content, sometimes kinetic
(24 marks)