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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "jogos legais" & "programming logic"

12 February 2006

PC Logic Games: RoboCode

by bcpbcp
. In this game, you have to program a robot in Java. You program how it moves and turns. You program how it hunts for opponent robots. You program how it turns its gun and fires. Your program can be simple or as complicated as the Java Virtual Machine allows.

05 February 2006

PC Logic Games: Mind Rover

by bcpbcp
This is part four of five in my series on programming logic games. This week's game is Mind Rover, a commercial game which came out in the late 90s. Mind Rover is a fun and challenging game in which you build and program a rover to complete one of the many the scenarios. The scenarios range from winning a race to defeating an opponent rover in battle.

21 January 2006

PC Logic Games: Bug Brain

by bcpbcp
This is part three of my five part series on programming logic games. This week's game, Bug Brain, uses neural nets as its programming model. Neural nets are a mainstay of machine learning in computer science and of science fiction stories. In each Bug Brain level, you have to construct a neural net to guide your bug to complete some task. For example, in the level pictured below, you program the lady bug, and your task to have it eat the three bugs without falling off the branch.

19 January 2006

PC Logic Games: Node Warriors

by bcpbcp
Each turn, you queue up five instructions for your cyber bug to follow from the random list of available instructions.

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last mark : 12/02/2006 14:56