Gloomy iTunes predictions premature - CNET News.com
by plasticdreamsReport shows declining iTunes sales, but it was based on data from fewer than 200 U.S. households and warns of drawing conclusions.
Complete list of free downloads on iTunes Store
by cybernezumiThis site keeps an up-to-date list of the current free songs and videos on the iTunes Store. There's also an RSS feed to track the latest updates.
アップル、iPod用ビデオ作成対応のiTunes 6.02
by fox_b (via)iTunes 6.0.2では、H.264のパフォーマンス改善が図られたQuickTime 7.0.4も含まれており、新たに、iTunes上でiPod用動画を作成する機能を追加した。iTunesに登録したビデオファイルをiPod用に変換してiPodに転送できる。
Apple - iTunes - Podcasts - Technical Specification
by fox_b & 5 othersPoscasting and iTunes:Technical Specification
How To Publish a Podcast on the iTunes Music Store
by fox_b & 7 others (via)iTunes RSS Tagの仕様(iTMS用RSS仕様)
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