August 2005
July 2005
Building a Bridge to China
by tsalonRecognizing Beijing's rise, the U.S. will seek to look at relations in a larger framework.
June 2005
The New Strategic Triangle: U.S. and European Reactions to China's Rise
by tsalonhighlyly recommended reading
May 2005
Daily Yomiuri On-Line: China's handling of protests slammed
by tsalonthe Japanese have not shed their disappointment in and distrust of the Chinese people
April 2005
Daily Yomiuri On-Line: PLANNING NATIONAL STRATEGIES--Resources and energy
by tsalonCenter for Safety and Security Research (CSSR), a research institute under the Education, Science and Technology Ministry, will release next month a report on two crisis scenarios concerning China that predict China's actions regarding energy and their im China bid to join IADB delayed
by tsalonChina's membership of the Inter-American Development Bank has been delayed until at least 2008, with Japan among the countries seeking to slow Beijing's bid, according to a senior official at the bank.
March 2005
Glimpse of World Shatters North Koreans' Illusions
by tsalonThe way North Korean refugees see China.
New York Times: European Union Said to Keep Embargo on Arms to China
by tsaloninternal European politics had played a role in the timing of the planned easing of restrictions: Prime Minister Tony Blair of Britain was willing to go along with the move, but he did not want it to occur while he serves as president of the European Unio