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PUBLIC MARKS with tags iphone & flash


Why Adobe Failed and Where Startups Can Swoop In

by astrochoupe
Adobe has discontinued development of Flash-Player plugin for mobile browsers.


Smokescreen |

by simon_bricolo & 3 others
Smokescreen, a Flash player in Javascript: reads binary swf and turns it into SVG. Works on iPhone and iPad

Thoughts on Flash

by marco
New open standards created in the mobile era, such as HTML5, will win on mobile devices (and PCs too).

Thoughts on Flash

by nhoizey
Steve Jobs explique le non support de Flash sur les iPod Touch, iPhone et iPad, et termine par « Perhaps Adobe should focus more on creating great HTML5 tools for the future, and less on criticizing Apple for leaving the past behind. »

Canabalt Soundtrack

by nhoizey
Si vous ne résistez pas à une petite partie de Canabalt de temps en temps, en ligne ou sur iPhone, la musique n'y est peut-être pas pour rien... La voilà !

iPhone Explorer - A USB iPhone browser for Mac and PC

by gregg & 2 others
Want to put your iPhone or iPod Touch in disk mode? Use an iPhone as a flash drive? iPhone Explorer is an iPhone browser for Mac that lets you browse the files and folders on your iPhone as if it were a normal USB flash drive or pen drive. You can use the very easy drag-and-drop methods to add or remove files and folders from the iPhone. Compatible with all iPhones and iPod Touches including the new 3GS and 3.0 firmware. Works with or without jailbreaking.


Interview with Adam Saltsman of Semi Secret Software

by marco
"In no particular order, Canabalt was inspired by District 9, Banlieue 13, Half Life 2, War of the Worlds (the book, not Spielberg's ridiculous movie), Super Mario Bros., Sonic the Hedgehog, and in a kind of counter-inspirational way Mirror's Edge."

Daring Fireball Linked List: Droid Limited to 256 MB of Storage for Apps

by night.kame

Did Motorola even look at the size of popular apps in the App Store before releasing this?

Ce n'est pas parce que Xcode génère des applications de tailles monstrueuses que le monde entier est devenu subitement ignorant de la bonne utilisation des ressources d'un matériel informatique (même si de ce point de vue là Adobe et son Flash nous refait le coup du joueur de flûte de Hamelin).

Adobe met en cause directement Apple ! - iPhone, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch : le blog

by srcmax

Aujourd'hui c'est Adobe qui voit d'un mauvais œil, le refus systématique d'Apple pour intégrer leur version mobile du flash player sur nos iPhones. Et Adobe compte bien faire savoir à ses utilisateurs que cela vient de la firme de Cupertino...

Adobe Labs - Adobe Flash Professional CS5: Applications for iPhone

by sbrothier, 1 comment
Flash Professional CS5 will enable you to build applications for iPhone and iPod touch using ActionScript 3. These applications can be delivered to iPhone and iPod touch users through the Apple App Store.*

Developing for the Apple iPhone using Flash

by marco
We created a new compiler front end that allowed LLVM to understand ActionScript 3 and used its existing ARM back end to output native ARM assembly code.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag iphone

animation +   animations +   atlas +   development +   images +   important +   library +   pictures +   programming +   samples +   sprite +   sprites +   very +  

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