22 May 2006
Mastering Information Overload: An interview with Robin Good of MasterNewMedia.org | NetSquared
by marshallkirkpatrickAn interview with Robin Good about how organizations can deal with information overload by making on individual the Newsmaster. Info on how Newsmasters use search and RSS to gather the most important information in any field.
25 April 2006
On the care and feeding of a techno-garden: an interview with Lifehacker's Gina Trapani | NetSquared
by marshallkirkpatrickAn interview with Gina Trapani, editor of Lifehacker, about differences between the for-profit and non-profit tech worlds, her tips on working with tech effectively and building an audience for your blog.
30 March 2006
Calendering the Social Web: an interview with Leonard Lin of Upcoming.org | NetSquared
by marshallkirkpatrickAn interview with one of the co-founders of the social calendering service recently bought by Yahoo! Supports all kinds of neat tools, tagging, groups, comments, RSS, etc. Lin is a very thoughtful man, discussing the broader implications of new web tools on society.
(3 marks)