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PUBLIC MARKS with tags internet & technology




Enabling HTTP Compression in IIS 6.0

by brianwaustin (via)
HTTP Compression is a wonderful technology that accomplishes a lot of different things. It allows faster page serving to clients and lower server costs due to lowered bandwidth (these two being enough for me to implement). There are a handful of articles out there that explain how to implement HTTP Compression in Internet Information Server (IIS) 6.0, but I haven’t been able to find a nice step-by-step article, so I decided to set one up. In this how-to, I’ll briefly explain what HTTP Compression is and how it works in IIS 6.0, and then provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement it because it’s not as simple as flipping a switch. In fact, there are many things in multiple places on the server you have to properly configure to implement HTTP Compression.

Did you know ?

by dhiraj
A video post on the trends that can be seen on knowledge, learning and education and a comparison of different geographical reasons, with interesting facts and figures.


Pomegranate | NS08

by z0man & 2 others
Dream phone of the future :)

Du "Nuage" pleuvront des images - (Le Monde)

by jeanruaud
En coulisses, la vidéo complique le fonctionnement de l'Internet. Mais pour l'utilisateur final, elle restaure au contraire le mode d'expression le plus naturel et le plus spontané : voir et entendre, parler, faire des mimiques, montrer le décor alento

Gin, Television, and Social Surplus - Here Comes Everybody

by jeanruaud
it's only now, as we're waking up from that collective bender, that we're starting to see the cognitive surplus as an asset rather than as a crisis. We're seeing things being designed to take advantage of that surplus, to deploy it in ways more engaging t

How the Web Was Won: Entertainment & Culture:

by jeanruaud
Fifty years ago, in response to the surprise Soviet launch of Sputnik, the U.S. military set up the Advanced Research Projects Agency. It would become the cradle of connectivity, spawning the era of Google and YouTube, of Amazon and Facebook, of the Drudg

Lunch over IP

by jdrsantos
Bruno Giussani is a writer, the European Director of the TED Conferences, the Special Project Editor at Swiss news magazine L'Hebdo, and a frequent public speaker.

Camera Zapper

by rike_
Cameras are ubiquitous today, and, from a technology perspective, the revolution is just beginning. Video cameras are becoming smaller and cheaper while the Internet is enabling unlimited live webcasting.

CERN creates a new super-fast internet, invites tons of people to a deathmatch - Engadget

by springnet
Apparently, when CERN isn't colliding particles (and ripping massive holes in the space-time continuum), it's busy working on a new "internet" which will be 10,000 times faster than our current version.


by jdrsantos
Business Blogging, Web Strategy, Internet and Tech Stuff

2.0 WEBMANIA - Notícias, Reviews, Previews, Mashups, Recursos e Dicas na Web 2.0

by jdrsantos
2.0 Webmania é um blog Português destinado a cobrir todas as novidades e curiosidades da Internet. Além de fonte informativa, pretende ser uma fonte de inspiração para todos quantos desenvolvem projectos web em Portugal.


SEOmoz's Web 2.0 Awards

by wrijneveld & 11 others
meer dan 200 web 2.0 sites in allerlei categorieen

iPhones in France to be available with Orange

by jsbi
Apple has just announced that Orange will be the Wireless Carrier to support the iPhone's release on the 29th of November. It has took sometime for Apple to come up with a deal along with Orange. Looks like this decision was taken due to the legislation problems in France that demanded from Wireless Carriers to unlock handsets after six months, at the users' request.

Now you can easily Configure Outlook 2007 to access Gmail using IMAP

by jsbi
If you'd like to access your Gmail Account from a mail client like Outlook 2007 and not from the gmail website then you have some news to cheerish on - Google has finally implemented IMAP support in Gmail! So you can now easily control the messages in your gmail account straight from your desktop.

How to easily Speed Up your Firefox in 4 Simple Steps

by jsbi
Many of you have been asking me how to increase their browsing speeds with BSNL , MTNL, Airtel, Tata Indicom, Reliance , Sify , etc Broadband connections. As usual I have a trick up my sleeves to increase the speed your Firefox performance. The below steps will hold good only if you have a Broadband connection - else it will make your browsing much slower. Let's now have a look at the simple 4 steps. First of all Type “about:config” into the address bar in Firefox and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries and make the necessary changes.

On-line Social Internet Bookmarks

by chernobylnews
Video, Music, Software, Programming, Design, Linux, Tools, Technology, Blog, Business, Web, Mac, Free, Opensource, Funny, Reference, Web20, Computer, Ajax, Php,

Recent Content : All | tweako

by jdrsantos & 1 other
A user-powered site, and social network, serving guides, tutorials, and more in all categories of computing, technology, and the Internet.

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ajax +   applications +   art +   audio +   blogs +   bookmarks +   business +   code +   computer +   computing +   css +   design +   desktop +   development +   downloads +   education +   firefox +   free +   freeware +   graphics +   html +   images +   java +   library +   linux +   music +   network +   networking +   opensource +   p2p +   personal +   php +   programming +   reference +   resources +   scripts +   search +   software +   standards +   technology +   tips +   tools +   tutorial +   tutorials +   utilities +   video +   webdesign +   windows +   xml +   yahoo +  

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