public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags internet & how-to

January 2007

December 2006

November 2006

Google Page Creator

by jlesage & 4 others
google tool for helping a person create their own web page and store it free online; very simple interface :: online photo editor

by jlesage & 17 others
I have not tried it yet but am interested in the arrival of word processing, video editing, and photo editing tools to the web. This one has an intuitive interface.

Free Fax • Free Internet Faxing

by jlesage & 8 others
send a free fax within the USA and Canada, PDF or Word files, maximum two per day or $1.99 per fax for more; I have not used it yet but it sounds promising

Google Help : Cheat Sheet

by jlesage & 32 others
one page of tips to remind you of search protocols on Google

Specialty Search Engines

by jlesage
* Answers * Computer * Domain * Financial * Government * Invisible Web * Legal * Mailing Lists * Medical * Newsgroups * Science * Shopping * Travel Search Engines • others

Writing Demonstrations

by jlesage
interactive demonstrations of Conducting Electronic Searches; useful both for the information contained and as a demo of web design and writing instructional media in a library context; the larger site is a resource for writers.


by jlesage & 1 other
social bookmarking portal lets users share expertise on some subject; room for author's comments and explanations; more discursive than delicious; less writing than a blog; see "Visual Thinking," also "Ephemeral Films"

Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb

by jlesage & 7 others
The invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web and comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines can't index.

43 Folders

by jlesage & 50 others
personal productivity, life hacks, and simple ways to make your life a little better; check out "classics"; good for grad students who need to organize gettting through and out earning a real living

Internet Search, Web Design, Online Marketing & more ...

by jlesage
an overview search site that gives information on various kinds of search engines and how to improve search; very useful for teaching; can do search from this site, too

Media College - Video, Audio and Multimedia Resources

by jlesage
reference material for all electronic media-- video & television production, audio work, still imagery & graphics, website design; excellent quick guides and tutorials, on things like video streaming


by jlesage & 1 other
Judy O'Connell, heyjude, also has a wonderful site; this is her blog. All things Web 2.0, especially as related to education.


by jlesage
edublogger gives screen grabs and audio explanations - demonstrating ways of using information and communication technologies for teaching and learning online; effective demos

October 2006

DIY Media Tools - powered by FeedBurner

by jlesage
lots of how-to suggestions for web 2.0, from perspective of user

STORYTRON - Interactive Storytelling

by jlesage
Software for something between a game and literary hypertext. "Storytronics uses Verbs to define what may happen in interactive storytelling. Each Verb represents one possible dramatic action, like a kiss, a demand, or an advice." Looks like fun.

Internet Tutorials

by jlesage
how to for most of the basic aspects of the Internt

Welcome to the Information Processing Content Web Site

by jlesage
very useful lesson plans for Internet theory and use, digital photograph, desktop publishing

fix navigation problems on web site

by jlesage & 1 other
tips on what to do when users have difficulty finding things on your site

Active users

last mark : 17/01/2007 02:52

last mark : 01/12/2006 19:11