01 December 2006
artists and art...the-artists.org
by jlesage & 1 otherextended visual, biographical, and textual database of 20th Century and contemporary visual artists
Blogging as pedagogic practice: by Marcus O'Donnell
by jlesagetheoretical overview and roundup of concepts about Internet and education
27 November 2006
Those Dark Hiding Places: The Invisible Web Revealed
by jlesage & 4 othersa librarian teaches you about the dark web; originally written 2001, updated Oct. 2006
by jlesagea cultural studies ejournal, with essays on literature and film; fall 06 issue is on blogging theories and practices.
essay on academic blogging in Reconstruction
by jlesage06, overview, rationale, and links to academic blogs
26 November 2006
Cyberstudies webring
by jlesagecollection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences
MIT communications forum archive
by jlesagethe various programs are on many topics of media and mass communications; available in audio, video, or print format; good overview of contemporary media issues by academics and practitioners
24 November 2006
Writing Demonstrations
by jlesageinteractive demonstrations of Conducting Electronic Searches; useful both for the information contained and as a demo of web design and writing instructional media in a library context; the larger site is a resource for writers.
20 November 2006
Theories of Internet Culture and Internet Textuality by Janez Strehovec, Ph.D.
by jlesageuseful and intriguingly designed website, with resources such as essays, links, keywords and definitions pages
Connectivism Blog
by jlesage & 1 othera new theory of education and learning, for a digital Internet culture
18 November 2006
RCCS: Course List of Cyberculture Studies
by jlesageSite is a center of such studies; course list regularly updaged
16 November 2006
Invisible Culture-An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture-University of Rochester
by jlesage & 1 otherproblematizes the unquestioned alliance between culture and visibility
Geoff Stahl - Still 'Winning Space?': Updating Subcultural Theory
by jlesagedeals with the impact of computer mediated communication on subcultural theory; refutes role of "authenticity"; good overview of shifts in field
15 November 2006
dichtung-digital. Hyperfiction, Netzliteratur, Hypermedia: Interfictions
by jlesagehere is a page listing all essays available in English; distinguished authors
13 November 2006
Center for History and New Media
by jlesage & 1 otherextensive site, with resources about historical moments and syllabi, tools for Internet research, and projects undertaken by the Center
Anthro.Net Research Engine: Anthropology and Archaeology
by jlesage & 2 otherslarge portal, includes cultural geography, ethnic studies, visual arts, postmodern anthropology
Research Beyond Google: 119 Authoritative, Invisible, and Comprehensive Resources | OEDb
by jlesage & 7 othersThe invisible web, or deep web, is estimated to be 500 times bigger than the searchable web and comprises databases and results of specialty search engines that the popular search engines can't index.
11 November 2006
LibrarySpot.com: Encyclopedias, maps, online libraries, quotations, dictionaries & more.
by jlesage & 7 othersfrom "start spot" which has other such categorized listing pages for movies, shopping, museums, etc.
Knowing Knowledge
by jlesageuseful summary by George Siemens of his ideas from new book; educators need to rethink all ideas about knowledge, education, and learning for young people growing up in the Internet era
10 November 2006
Henry Jenkins: Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape
by jlesagesuccinct and useful as an overview 11/06
06 November 2006
archive : s0metim3s | Undercommons 2.0 | October | 2006
by jlesageAndrew Ross: “Technology and Below-the-Line Labor in the Copyfight over Intellectual Property” (American Quarterly, 58:3, 2006).
02 November 2006
"Cyberfeminism with a difference" by Rosi Braidotti
by jlesagean important essay building on the work of Donna Haraway, emphasizing the kinds of empoverishment that come with globalization, and the possibilities for new forms of collective identity in cyberspace, while eschewing utopianism.