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PUBLIC MARKS with tags images & hosting



Automating deployment and activation of virtual images

by camel
Virtualization offers advantages that include server consolidation, isolation, rapid provisioning, and improved change management processes. Since virtualization breaks the hardware dependency and isolates virtual machines from details about the physical servers on which they are hosted, virtual images can be moved from one hosting platform to another. They can also be cloned to create more virtual machines, as desired. One of the challenges with cloning virtual images is handling operating system, network, and application specific customization. This article provides a sample framework for automating virtual image activation on new host platforms. This article, along with a previous article on Using virtual image templates to deploy WebSphere Application Server, demonstrates an automated approach for quickly and easily provisioning new WebSphere Application Server environments. The sample deployment and activation code included with this article is independent of WebSphere Application Server and can be used in conjunction with other software inside a virtual image. The specific example provided here is for WebSphere Application Server V6 in VMware or XEN virtual images, using SUSE V10 as the guest operating system. The activation techniques described in this article can be used in conjunction with IBM Tivoli® Provisioning Manager as described in Using Tivoli Provisioning Manager to deploy composite virtual appliances.



Glide Effortless ~ Discover the Magic of Compatibility and Integration

by slogoo & 12 others
Glide Effortless是一个可以上传各类文件的服务平台. 相片, MP3, 视频, 文字, PPT和PDF文件均可上传. 上传的用户可以对这些内容拥有完全的控制权, 文件一经上传, 系统就马上将其转换成在线的预览

Ourmedia Homepage | Ourmedia

by slogoo & 30 others
OurMedia免费存储各类视频, 音频, 图片, 文本, 甚至软件的平台.

Streamload - Free Online Storage - Share Videos and Photos - Online MP3 Storage and Access

by slogoo & 31 others
StreamLoad, 个性化, 安全的存放, 归类, 共享和重新获取视频, 图片, 音乐以及其他各类文件的网站. - become ungoogable - leave no traces - anonymous web browsing, free privacy service.

by macroron & 3 others
convert text to an image. This means you can hide passwords, personal messages, pieces of code, or any kind of private information on forums, blogposts, emails, irc, msn-aim chats,.... The created image can be linked to, or you can download the image a Free Image Hosting - Online Photo Albums - Photo Sharing

by macroron & 44 others
Provides image hosting for MySpace, eBay, blogs, message boards, and online photo albums. Photobucket is reliable, fast and very simple to use. Give it a try! Valid file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif, swf Images larger than 512 KB are automatically resiz

2005 Tutorials

by macroron
a free, simple, fast, reliable image hosting and online photo album site that allows direct linking and photo sharing.

The Image Hosting

by cascamorto & 2 others is a system developed by four university students in order to provide free hosting for pictures. We are not some large company that has developed such a service to make thousands or millions of dollars. Our goal is to become popular and to show that we have a good service and that we can develop software that can handle high loads. If you want to contact us, please use the “contact” link located at the bottom of the FAQ section.

by cascamorto & 2 others (via)
Free image hosting for everyone, great for posting images on message boards, ebay, online auctions, classifieds and even sharing pictures with your family!

BubbleShare: Basic

by cascamorto & 11 others (via)
Create a private photo album and share with your friends in seconds flat! No registration required.

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