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PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & script



Styliser automatiquement les liens d’une URL

by camel
Sur certains sites il peut être utile d’informer le visiteur sur la nature du lien en changeant la couleur et en y associant une petite image : est-ce un lien interne, externe, une image, un lien affilié… Pour y arriver facilement je vous conseille d’installer le script de DLINK qui fait cela très bien et presque tout seul…

jQZoom Evolution

by Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A & 5 others
JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework.jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want.

jQZoom Evolution

by camel & 5 others (via)
JQZoom is a javascript image magnifier built at the top of the popular jQuery javascript framework.jQzoom is a great and a really easy to use script to magnify what you want.

An alternative to sIFR: Facelift Image Replacement | Breathe new life into your web pages

by camel & 13 others
Facelift Image Replacement (or FLIR, pronounced fleer) is an image replacement script that dynamically generates image representations of text on your web page in fonts that otherwise might not be visible to your visitors. The generated image will be automatically inserted into your web page via Javascript and visible to all modern browsers. Any element with text can be replaced: from headers to span elements and everything in between!

FancyBox - jQuery image zooming plugin

by Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A & 10 others
Inspired by many other lightbox-like tools, now made kinda different image zooming script for those who want something fresh. It`s powered by great javascript library - jQuery, tested with IE6, IE7, Firefox Features: * Automatically scales large images to fit in window * Adds a nice drop shadow under the full-size image * Image sets to group related images and navigate through them

FancyBox - jQuery image zooming plugin

by camel & 10 others
Inspired by many other lightbox-like tools, now made kinda different image zooming script for those who want something fresh. It`s powered by great javascript library - jQuery, tested with IE6, IE7, Firefox Features: * Automatically scales large images to fit in window * Adds a nice drop shadow under the full-size image * Image sets to group related images and navigate through them

Shadowbox.js Media Viewer

by nhoizey & 6 others
Shadowbox is a cross-browser, cross-platform, cleanly-coded and fully-documented media viewer application written entirely in JavaScript.


Recadrer une image en javascript et php | Aurabox

by rike_ & 1 other
Recadrer une image en javascript et php 11 jan 2007 Voici un nouveau script permettant de recadrer une image directement à partir d'internet. Son fonctionnement est "relativement" assez simple, à partir de d'une page, le script javascript récupère la position du cadre de redimmensionnement selon x et y ainsi que la dimension du dit cadre. Il suffit ensuite de recadrer l'image avec imagemagick (ou GD) et ensuite si vous le souhaitez de la réduire afin d'avoir des vignettes de même taille et non déformé.

vnStat PHP frontend

by camel
This is a PHP fronted end to vnStat, a network traffic logger. Since vnStat is console mode only I created this script to make a 'nice' report of the data collected by vnStat. For more information about vnStat check out the vnStat homepage. This script requires a working PHP setup with GD image libraries. Also vnStat must be properly installed and collecting data. For information about how to set those up please check their respective homepages (see links section).

Du côté de chez Xuan - Ressources / Javascript / Splash (image plein écran et diaporama)

by camel & 2 others
Splash est un script permettant d'afficher en plein écran une image. Pas de fioritures dans ce dernier, il n'est pas nécessaire d'inclure les librairies prototype, et JQuery.

ThickBox 2.1.1

by temps & 61 others (via)
équivalent de lightbox, Thickbox, basé sur la librairie JQuery, peut-être moins lourd pour le navigateur

Appliquer un style original à vos images

by Giraultises & 1 other
SwfIR est un script qui vous permet de remplacer les images que vous aurez spécifiées par un Flash. Ainsi, vos images aurons un meilleur effet.


Ultimate free Javascript & Ajax smooth slideshow and showcase system

by jon1012 & 15 others (via)
Using moo.fx and prototype.lite.js, this opensource javascript slideshow system allows you to have a simple and smooth (cross-fading...) image slideshows and/or showcases on you website. All this in less than 18kb with all the dependencies !

Lightbox JS v2.0

by ycc2106 & 89 others
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers.


PUBLIC TAGS related to tag image

fun +   goat +   happy +   kambing +   senyum +   smile +  

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last mark : 24/08/2012 11:02

last mark : 18/12/2008 19:56

Conseil.Net Groupe I.D.A
last mark : 16/12/2008 17:05

last mark : 04/02/2008 14:17

last mark : 29/01/2008 12:45

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last mark : 19/01/2007 17:54

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last mark : 20/12/2005 13:53