public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & science



The Theory of Everything

by xibe (via)
Ca ferait un super poster pour mes toilettes !

When Nano-Wires Explode

by kooolman
"This image of "Nano-Explosions" won first prize in this year's "Science As Art" competition." Pourquoi l'infiniment petit n'aurait-il pas lui aussi ses champignons atomiques ?


Dennis Kunkel Microscopy, Inc. Scientific Stock Photography

by fotopol (via)
Scientific Stock Photography Through the Microscope Scientific Image Library - Scientific stock photographs of biological, medical and general sciences are available for licensed, rights-managed, non-exclusive use. The science image library holds over 2,000 light microscopy images

Implant retinal learns to improve image

by livepost
Software that can be taught to upgrade the quality of information sent from bionicheskogo eyes to the man being tested in Germany.


by plasticdreams
バタリアンだとかエイリアンv.s.プレデターだとか そんなチャチなもんじゃあ断じてねえ。もっと恐ろしいものの片鱗を味わったぜ...


Astronomy Picture of the Day

by -Nicolas- & 16 others
Discover the cosmos! Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer.


Everest Panorama from Mars

by sunny
Cliquez sur l'image pour avoir un gigantesque panorama de Mars (Astronomy Picture Of the Day : 2005 November 14)

Plot Digitizer - Math & Science

by roberto
A program used to digitize scanned plots of functional data. This program will allow you to take a scanned image of a plot and quickly digitize values off the plot just by clicking the mouse on each data point. The numbers can then be saved to a text file and used where ever you need them. Plot Digitizer works with both linear and logarithmic axis scales. Besides digitizing points off of data plots, this program can be used to digitize other types of scanned data (such as scaled drawings or orthographic photos).

LAVA Homepage

by parmentierf (via)
The main objective of the project is to devise machine learning technologies: * for the reliable categorisation of generic object classes in real-world images * and for the interpretation of events in video data.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag image

baby +   diy +   passport +   photo +   photography +   photos +   travel +   upload +  

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last mark : 12/08/2005 21:14

last mark : 14/05/2005 13:42