public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags image & drawing


Light Tracer | Interactive Drawing System | Karl D.D. Willis

by oqdbpo
Project Description Light Tracer is an interactive installation which invites the participant to write, draw and trace images in real physical space using a series of light sources. These light sources are subsequently tracked by a camera, and displayed over the participant's own image onscreen. How the participant uses the system is left entirely up to them; however it is possible to write messages, draw pictures or trace physical objects such as your face or hand.

Draw Over : dessin collaboratif en ligne

by jmcommenge
Draw Over est un site de dessin collaboratif. Sur la page "draw", une interface Java permet d'accéder à 12 dessins en cours que l'on peut modifier avec différents outils graphiques: couleur, transparence, épaisseur de trait. Ensuite, les images sauvées sont soumises aux votes des participants et les meilleures images entrent dans une galerie. Contrairement à beaucoup de sites de dessin collaboratif, les gribouilleurs sont découragés et on voit de vrais dessins apparaître. C'est même parfois plutôt surréaliste...


by ycc2106 & 1 other
Morphases is an online next generation software in face manipulation. It allows user to modify and create human faces from different elements in real time with almost an unlimited power. All elements are divided individually and stored into genebank.

Pixel Group

by ycc2106 & 1 other
Click anywhere to invert the color of a pixel. Others are doing the same, at the same time. Sometimes, a movie is recorded a frame per minute. By Google Blogoscoped



by albertouine & 4 others
mgSeek is a photo collection manager and viewer with content-based search and many other features. The query is expressed either as a rough sketch painted by the user or as another image you supply (or an image in your collection). The searching algorithm makes use of multiresolution wavelet decomposition of the query and database images.

似顏繪插圖製作器 - 似顏繪制作

by cnkenlee & 2 others

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag image

cat +   flickr +   fun +   generator +   kitten +   link +   mockup +   monkey +   photo +   sizer +   weird +   wireframe +  

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last mark : 19/10/2007 20:25

last mark : 07/06/2007 01:56

last mark : 02/01/2007 16:17

last mark : 06/05/2006 02:23

last mark : 12/03/2006 12:22

last mark : 17/08/2005 15:21

last mark : 29/07/2005 19:30

last mark : 13/07/2005 04:07