public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags identity & links

November 2006

jlesage's reviews

by jlesage
my tagcloud from stumbleupon; just discovered I could import my delicious tags and comments there. Stumbleupon is my newest obsessively visited site.

Lists of Bests

by jlesage & 5 others
again, I am fascinated by lists of bests, especially as related to literature; they comprise both an ideology of the canon and a sociology of popular tastes, a la Bourdieu; in an extended form, they comprise much of

Cyberstudies webring

by jlesage
collection of sites with interest in cyberculture, many from the social sciences

ArtLex on New Media

by jlesage
entry in big art site has many links and hypertext connections to trace out; useful

Research on Place and Space

by jlesage & 1 other
huge portal site, across disciplines; "...other terms are sometimes used in place of place, such as home, dwelling, milieu, territory, and of course, space. None of these, though, are necessarily equivalent to the notion of place."

Self/Person/Personal Identity Bibliographies

by jlesage
From philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience: Identity, Consciousness, Knowledge, Pathologies of the Self, Personalism, Narrative, Gender, Medical Ethics, Embodiment, Social Construction, Ethics, Politics, Law, Medicine. . .

Dave Harris and Colleagues

by jlesage
large collection of work, lectures, course materials in media studies, leisure studies, sociology

Philosophy and Contemporary Culture

by jlesage & 1 other
extensive links page for cultural studies, theory, web resources, major figures by a teacher

creativebits | mac design community

by jlesage & 4 others
a professional blog and community site for graphic designers working on Mac OS X


by jlesage
a very large sociology site from the University of Amsterdam; of particular interest are a section on web sociology and one on famous sociology; site is full of both explanations and links to other full text articles

Place: Cultural, Disability, Ethnic, Media, Postcolonial, Race Studies

by jlesage
huge multi-page database of links on space and place in cultural geography as applicable to interdisciplinary studies

October 2006

Jahn: Homepage

by jlesage
major figure in narrative theory has much work available online

Rob Shields | Publications

by jlesage
many full text essays on space, including online space

June 2006

Naymz: Home Page

by plasticdreams & 4 others
build Google-Adds-like my name page

September 2005

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag identity

***** +   badge + +   facebook +   gadget +   icons +   socialbookmarking +   socialnetworks +   socialsoftware +   springnet +   springnet blogmarks +   widget +  

Active users

last mark : 28/11/2006 00:05

last mark : 27/06/2006 11:43

last mark : 06/09/2005 10:32