BBC NEWS | Technology | IBM helps blind 'see' web video
by nhoizey (via)Technology giant, IBM, is soon to launch a multimedia browser to make audio and video content accessible to people with vision impairments.
A-Browser : navigateur pour malvoyants chez IBM
by sebastienBien qu'elle dispose de réels partisans dans la communauté du Web, l'accessibilité est une donnée souvent négligée lors de la réalisation d'un site ou d'une application. Suite à l'initiative d'une de ses chercheurs, aveugle et ulcérée de ne pouvoir accéder aux montagnes de contenus que recèle Internet, IBM prépare la réalisation d'un navigateur Web qui sera destiné aux personnes à la vue réduite. Baptisé A-Browser, pour Accessibility Browser, ce navigateur pourrait être distribué de façon gratuite d'ici la fin de l'année, une fois finalisé.
IBM Accessibility Center | Resources | AJAX Accessibility Overview
by sebastienAsynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) is a hot new technology on the Internet that allows the incremental update of portions of a Web page without reloading the entire page. This has great performance benefits and provides a medium for developing rich Internet applications. Accessibility concerns have arisen with the increased use of JavaScript and AJAX on the Web. This article introduces AJAX and discusses some of the accessibility issues and best practices.
Accessible DHTML Technology Preview
by nhoizey (via)Accessible DHTML is now possible due to work that IBM is doing at the W3C, within the Firefox codebase, and with leading assistive technology (AT) vendors. The new standard allows authors to develop desktop-style widgets such as tree views, menu bars and spreadsheets that are accessible both with the keyboard and assistive technologies such as screen readers.
alphaWorks : aDesigner : Overview
by fastclemmy & 5 othersThe aDesigner is a disability simulator that helps Web designers ensure that their pages are accessible and usable by the visually impaired.
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