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PUBLIC MARKS with tags i18n & groupe:clever-age

April 2008

July 2007

ishida >> blog » Personal names around the world 1

by nhoizey & 4 others
If you are designing forms that will be localised on a per culture basis, don’t forget that atomised name parts may still need to be stored in a central database, which therefore needs to be able to represent all the various complexities

®¤©: documents: php and unicode

by nhoizey
Some would say PHP has little or no Unicode support, and they'd be right. But I refer you back to the first item on our absolute minimum list. It's all just integers, and PHP has plenty of support for integers, so we can work around this problem.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag i18n

gpl +   java +   éditeur ressources +   web +  

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last mark : 02/04/2008 10:34