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PUBLIC MARKS with tags history & christian

November 2006

Житие святаго священномученика и исповедника Павла, епископа коломенскаго.

by ionial
Сайт кировской старообрядческой общины. Содержит информацию о старообрядчестве кировской области, а также материалы по истории, вероуче...

May 2006

Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel?

by truthhere
Mary Magdalene: Author of the Fourth Gospel? by Ramon K. Jusino, M.A. � 1998 INTRODUCTION Some Related Links: My Review of The Da Vinci Code The Nag Hammadi Library Non-Canonical Christian Texts Women in Ancient Christianity The Role of Women in Christian Churches of Paul's Day Women and Gender in European History Mary Magdalene and the Discipled Jesus Loved The Sociology of Secrecy and the Fourth Gospel This article makes a case for ascribing authorship of the Fourth Gospel (the Gospel of John) in the New Testament to Mary Magdalene. As far as I know -- no previously published work has made an argument in support of this hypothesis. Most biblical scholars today assert that the Fourth Gospel was authored by an anonymous follower of Jesus referred to within the Gospel text as the Beloved Disciple. It is posited here that, in an earlier tradition of the Fourth Gospel's community, the now "anonymous" Beloved Disciple was known to be Mary Magdalene. It is further posited that Mary Magdalene is the true founder and hero of what has come to be known as the Johannine Community (i.e., Mary Magdalene was one of the original apostolic founders and leaders of the early Christian church).

February 2006

January 2006

November 2005

Christmas tree history

by jasontromm (via)
The fir tree has a long association with Christianity, it began in Germany almost a 1000 years ago when St Boniface, who converted the German people to Christianity, was said to have come across a group of pagans worshipping an oak tree. In anger, St Boniface is said to have cut down the oak tree and to his amazement a young fir tree sprung up from the roots of the oak tree. St Boniface took this as a sign of the Christian faith. But it was not until the 16th century that fir trees were brought indoors at Christmas time.

October 2005

December 2004

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