January 2006
PCLinux Live CD Install Info
by macroronMy First Linux. Welcome to the new world!. Are you ready for a change?
PCLinux Live CD Article
by macroronIf you're like me, you get frustrated on a daily basis with your XP box. I hate to see people slow themselves down with spyware, adware, and virus' so I have decided to share my secrets to speeding up your Windows XP Computer!
Linux Information Portal: Howto, Help, Tutorials and Information
by macroron & 3 othersThis site is dedicated to providing tutorials, help, guides and links for Linux users.
BlackDog - offers open source developers an exciting new platform for mobilizing software applications. BlackDog represents a new breed of device that redefines what a ‘computer’ is. It can be programmed to carry your applications, data, web sites, de
by macroronDevelop applications and deploy them on BlackDog then launch and automatically project them onto a Windows XP host. Configure your BlackDog using our SDK, and the applications and interface will appear the same on many flavors of Linux. Design an interfac
December 2005
Gizmo – A free phone for your computer
by macroron & 6 othersuses your internet connection (broadband or dial-up) to make calls to other computers. With the click of a mouse, you’re connected to friends, family, and colleagues anywhere on earth. It’s just that simple. You talk clearly. For as long as you want.
October 2005
Hardware emulation with QEMU - Linux.com Article
by macroronan open source cross-platform emulator for Linux hosts. It allows you to emulate a number of hardware architectures (x86, x86-64, and PowerPC are currently known to work, with others, including SPARC and MIPS, in development). QEMU thereby lets you run an
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