March 2008
The Omni Group - OmniFocus
by springnetOmniFocus, from the creator’s of OmniOutliner and built with the input of leading GTD advocates. And love bloomed anew! Literally it does everything perfectly for me. I can view tasks by project or context. It has a clear processing mechanism. Tasks can
chrisbrogan's bookmarks on
by springnetremarkably relevant bookmarks on business, software, art, design, learning, linux, web 2.0, gtd, howto, research, acme, illustration, entrepreneur, podcasting, dly, bsmin, podcast, graphics, bizinbox, blogs, wordpress, blog, mp3, photos, rss, free, etc.
November 2007
PocketMod version 0.3 beta
by springnet & 22 othersThe PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. It is hard to describe just how incredibly useful the PocketMod is. I
September 2007
Simple todo list and task manager: Todoist
by springnet & 10 othersTodoist features a simple and intuitive interface that helps you get organized without getting in your way. You can also use keyboard shortcuts to achieve blazing efficiency.
June 2007
106 Tips to Become a Master Connector » Life Optimizer
by springnet & 1 otherReal networking is about finding ways to make other people more successful. It is sharing your knowledge and resources, time and energy, friends and associates, and empathy and compassion in an effort to provide value to others while increasing your own.
May 2007
Highrise - Welcome
by springnetcontacts tasks and cases contact management and project management with quicksilver integration on Macs
Eclipse Mylar Open Source Project
by springnet & 4 othersEclipse Mylar is a task-focused UI that reduces information overload and makes multi-tasking easy. It does this by making tasks a first class part of Eclipse
Single Best Productivity Tip | zen habits
by springneto here it is, my Single Best Productivity Tip (in one word, no less): Simplify.
Massive GTD Resource List | zen habits
by springnettribute to all the GTD junkies out there (a group that includes me) — a massive list of GTD stuff. It’s far from comprehensive, but who can be comprehensive on a topic this huge?
(9 marks)