public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags greasemonkey & xml

March 2006

#ProgX - 5 ans d'articles, gratuits !

by parmentierf
Presque tous les articles écrit dans l'ex(cellent) Login: par l'excellent Romain Guy.

August 2005

July 2005 Secure RSS Syndication

by svartling & 10 others (via)
I have a problem. It's actually a pretty common problem. I have data that I want to syndicate to myself, but I don't want you to see it. It's private. Now this could be my credit card balance or internal bug reports for the day job. Either way, I want the information in a form suitable for syndication but not available to everyone.

June 2005

Active users

last mark : 31/03/2006 12:33

last mark : 29/08/2005 00:59

last mark : 19/07/2005 07:13

last mark : 16/07/2005 16:04