public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tags graphics & my-install-notes

January 2006 Free Image Hosting - Online Photo Albums - Photo Sharing

by macroron & 44 others
Provides image hosting for MySpace, eBay, blogs, message boards, and online photo albums. Photobucket is reliable, fast and very simple to use. Give it a try! Valid file types: jpg, gif, png, bmp, tif, swf Images larger than 512 KB are automatically resiz

December 2005 Tutorials

by macroron
a free, simple, fast, reliable image hosting and online photo album site that allows direct linking and photo sharing.

November 2005

October 2005

Special Info about using the Sun Java Plug-in

by macroron
If you are using the Sun Java Plug-in for your browser's Java Runtime, and have not already done so, please do the following steps to allow applets with 64MB of memory requirements to run properly:

favicon collector

by macroron & 1 other
get favicons as png files and related urls - use any favicon displayed to place it next to the related url

September 2005

xfig user manual

by macroron
an interactive drawing tool which runs under the x window system

Active users

last mark : 15/01/2006 16:10