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PUBLIC MARKS with tags "google maps" & design


Styling Wizard: Google Maps APIs

by srcmax
Customize colors, roads, labels, and more. Then use your custom style in your Google Maps APIs project.


google-maps-icons - Project Hosting on Google Code

by eledo34 & 6 others
MapIcons est une collection d’icônes dont le but est de venir remplacer avantageusement les icônes standards mise à disposition des internautes créateurs de carte personnalisée de GoogleMaps. Nicolas Mollet, le créateur du projet, nous propose plus de 500 icônes classées par catégories/couleurs : Administration, Office & Industry Culture & Entertainment Education & Kids Events & Weather Friends, Family & Real Estate Media Miscellaneous Restaurants [...]

Google LatLong: Evolving the look of Google Maps

by srcmax

Today the Google Maps team is rolling out a number of refinements to the look and feel of our maps, the biggest such changes since we first launched about 4.7 years ago. In that time we've been steadily adding details like walkways, address labels, bus stops, new country coverage, and improved satellite imagery, but the look of the map hasn't changed much.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag "google maps"

api +   demo +   google +   image map types +   maps +   maps engine +  

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last mark : 26/09/2016 11:03

last mark : 28/10/2009 04:12