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PUBLIC MARKS with tag "google analytics"




Comment mettre Google Analytics en conformité au RGPD

by dzc
analyse des problématiques RGPD pour Google Analytics + solution Google Analytics côté serveur (PoC)

Google Analytics - Data Processing Amendment

by dzc
"The Google Ads Data Processing Terms will supersede and replace the existing Analytics Data Processing Amendment"

Google Analytics - Avenant relatif au traitement des données

by dzc
"Les conditions relatives au traitement des données Google Ads remplaceront l'Avenant existant relatif au traitement des données Analytics"


Introducing Autotrack for analytics.js - Analytics Blog

by srcmax
Autotrack for analytics.js is a new solution to this problem. It attempts to leverage as many Google Analytics features as possible while requiring minimal manual implementation. It gives developers a foundation for tracking data relevant to today's modern web.


How to Quickly (and Correctly) Track Google Analytics Across Multiple Domains - Moz

by srcmax
Out of the box, Google Analytics handles being deployed across multiple domains or subdomains extremely poorly. This is easily the most common critical problem in Google Analytics, despite its being relatively easy to fix.


Segment - We make customer data simple.

by Spone
Segment is the single hub to collect, translate and route your customer data.

Beautiful, Automated Marketing Reports | Measureful

by Spone
Beautiful, customizable marketing reports for agencies, freelancers and marketers. Automate your process of data collection, analysis and report presentation with Measureful.

Altiboard - Un tableau de bord analytics facile et gratuit

by tonio78
altima° lance altiboard, un dashboard 100% e-commerce permettant de créer en quelques secondes une photographie complète de votre activité ! Monitorez votre e-commerce simplement, rapidement et gratuitement. Aucune configuration, aucune implémentation • Disponible en français, anglais, chinois et russe • Fonctionne avec Google Analytics (et bientôt plus…)

Scroll Depth - A Google Analytics plugin for measuring page scrolling

by srcmax & 3 others
Scroll Depth is a small Google Analytics plugin that allows you to measure how far down the page your users are scrolling. It monitors the 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% scroll points, sending a Google Analytics Event at each one.


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last mark : 17/09/2021 11:15

last mark : 07/06/2018 09:50

last mark : 11/11/2014 15:40

last mark : 06/10/2014 07:11

last mark : 20/05/2014 09:41

last mark : 13/03/2014 09:06