15 March 2009
SCHED* SXSW 2009 Schedule + Blog Coverage + More
by alexandre (via)sxsw blog announce / gaza sderot / paris / france
Hey Sched SXSW I am Alexandre from Paris, France. My screening is at 12:00 PM, Tuesday March 17th at the Hideout Cinema. Check out the website if you are interessting in webdocumentaries
09 March 2009
French producer living good 'Life' - Entertainment News, Film News, Media - Variety
by alexandre & 2 othersHe is the "e-producer" behind "Gaza Sderot, Life in Spite of Everything," a Web-based documentary that won the Prix Europa award last year in Berlin and will screen at the SXSW Interactive Festival, which runs March 13-17 as part of South by Southwest 2009.
19 February 2009
Film Festival Schedule | SXSW.com
by alexandreSXGlobal Interactive
screening in: SXGlobal
Screening Times
12:00 PM, Tuesday March 17th - Hideout
Add this to my SXSW Calendar
(3 marks)