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PUBLIC MARKS with tags gallery & performance

November 2008

Galleriffic | A jQuery plugin for rendering fast-performing photo galleries

by camel (via)
Galleriffic was inspired by Mike Alsup's Cycle plugin, but with performance in mind for delivering a high volume of photos. This is my first experiment with jQuery, so I would love feedback on how to improve this plugin. Features * Smart Image Preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail Navigation (with pagination) * Bookmark-friendly URLs * Slideshow (with auto-updating url bookmarks) * Image fade transitions * Optional download link for the original image * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when javascript is not available * Now supports multiple galleries per page (View Multiple Gallery Demo)

October 2008

Galleriffic | A jQuery plugin for rendering fast-performing photo galleries

by camel & 2 others
Galleriffic was inspired by Mike Alsup's Cycle plugin, but with performance in mind for delivering a high volume of photos. Features * Smart Image Preloading after the page is loaded * Thumbnail Navigation (with pagination) * Bookmark-friendly URLs * Slideshow (with auto-updating url bookmarks) * Image fade transitions * Optional download link for the original image * Flexible configuration * Graceful degradation when javascript is not available * Now supports multiple galleries per page (View Multiple Gallery Demo)

April 2008


by oqdbpo
Tour Dates (updated on 27 March 2008) Wed 23 April, 21h-4h // Exclusive Tour Launch Party, Le Baron // Tokyo (members guests only) Thu 24 April, 19h // Presentation at Pecha Kucha Night, SuperDeluxe // Tokyo Mon 28 April, 14.30h // Screening Talk at Image Forum Festival // Tokyo Tue 29 April to Sun 11 May // Exhibition at Film Studio 1928, Dohjidai Gallery of Art // Kyoto Wed 30 April, 17h // Screening at Image Forum Festival // Tokyo Mon 5 May, 18h // Mini-Screening AV Live Performance at Apple Store Ginza // Tokyo Wed 7 May, 19h // Screening Talk at Uplink Factory // Tokyo Thu 8 May, 19h // Screening Talk at Uplink Factory // Tokyo Sat 10 May, 23.59h-4h // AV Live Set with Salmon (JP) at Minimal Tokyo, Liquid Rooms // Tokyo

March 2008

The Art of Motion Control : Gallery : Aluminum Pieces

by oqdbpo
"Art machines" is the term I use for creations in which motion control is actively used in the public performance of the work. In some cases (eg. eggplotting) the machine can be used both in the studio to create static output, or can be displayed while active.

July 2007

The Artistic Works of Anthony Schrag

by smvisuals
Born in continental Africa, Anthony Schrag studied writing in British Columbia, becoming an acclaimed poetry author, then abruptly turned his talents towards visual arts studying at both the Emily Carr Institute and the Glasgow school of art. Having built a critically acclaimed body work, which has been showcased around the world, from mainland china to the galleries of western Europe.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag gallery

animation +   art +   artist +   cartoon +   cartoons +   film +   flash +   illustration +   mira +  

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last mark : 27/11/2008 21:36

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