March 2007
by ycc2106online game. Visitors add words to the sentence which is to be continued. The words added can be clicked and tag search results from Flickr and YouTube are shown. results
May 2006
TheBroth - The Global Mosaic
by amandacherry & 5 othersA massively multiplayer Web 2.0 application where players can move 1,000 colorful tiles to form collaborative mosaic artworks. When someone moves a tile, everyone else can see it move in real-time on their screens.
April 2006
March 2006
Operating System Sucks-Rules-O-Meter
by ycc2106 & 1 otherHe's riffing on the idea that Web 2.0 is about what I've called architectures of participation, systems whose value is built "from many small information contributions that users don't mind making. Every user whitewashes a little bit of the fence."
(5 marks)