public marks

PUBLIC MARKS with tag fragile-x

March 2007

February 2007

December 2006

April 2006 | News | The Fragile Ones

by Sueblimely
An excellent article on Fragile X - it discusses a particular family and gives a good run down on the condition

Disability - Doing Your Homework:

by Sueblimely
Articles about reading, research based instruction, creative advocacy strategies, NCLB and school reform by Suzanne Heath, research editor,

Fragile X Syndrome and Autism

by Sueblimely
How do the Behaviors Seen in Persons with Fragile X Relate to Those Seen in Autism?


by Sueblimely
Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS)

Fragile X - National Foundation Calendar of events

by Sueblimely
Special events, Awareness Events Conferences, Scientific Meetings, Special Presentations

Fragile X Listserv

by Sueblimely
A very active and useful listserve - sharing support, experiences and information on Fragile X - membership is mostly composed of parents.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag fragile-x

advocacy +   disabilities +   disability +   fragilex +   fraxa +   specialed +  

Active users

last mark : 20/03/2007 08:36