October 2007
What's Wrong with the Forrester ESB Evaluation
by nhoizeyFiorano : « none of the Forrester analysts saw the product(s) - certainly not ours - and they seemed disintrested in even discussing the key differentiating features. Evaluation was based almost entirely on a set of questions filled out by each vendor »
June 2006
搜索营销的市场数据 - laolu
by jackiege一半的搜索营销者,把网站流量作为首选的营销效果评估手段;网站流量成本的上升,主要推动因素是关键词价格的上扬,以及扩展到新的搜索提供商的成本。对SEO伦理需要的关注在增强。两种主要的收费模式:按咨询收费(consultancy-based)按日收费直至协定最高金额,按效果付费(performance-based)通常用于付费搜索营销活动。搜索引擎营销(含付费列表、文本关联搜索、网站优化、付费收录)
March 2006
(4 marks)