October 2006
Optimized Firefox 2.0 for G4, G5, and Intel Macs: BeatnikPad Journal
by MogoreFirefox 2 optimisé pour G4
Reggie Ashworth - AppDelete
by Mogore & 1 otherAppDelete scans your computer and automatically deletes any items associated with the app you're removing, and all you have to do is drag the application you want to remove onto the AppDelete icon.
September 2006
rooSwitch - Shuffle Your Settings Around
by MogorerooSwitch exists to make it easy for you to create different profiles of almost any applications data. You then switch amongst the profiles to activate the data you wish to use. It's like a multi-user environment for just one application.
SourceForge.net: xNots
by Mogorexnots is a desktop post-it / sticky note system for the unix geek. All post-it notes are text files in some directory. Changes made to files in this directory automatically propogate to the displayed note. And yes, notes can be transparent ... :)
August 2006
Cacti: The Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution
by Mogore & 6 othersThe Complete RRDTool-based Graphing Solution
July 2006
June 2006
CSS Cheat Sheet - Cheat Sheets - ILoveJackDaniels.com
by Mogore & 4 othersRécapitulatif des sélecteurs Css et propriétés
Phenix Agenda :: Voir le sujet - [Implémenté] Synchro Palm ou Pocket PC
by Mogoreextension pour export calendrier Phénix
Widescreen Mail.app plugin
by Mogore & 1 otherPour avoir les mails à droite de la liste des mails, plutôt qu'en dessous.
May 2006
April 2006
DebitCredit.fr, votre gestion en 1 clic
by Mogore & 5 othersOutil web 2.0 à tester pour faire ses comptes