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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flex & web



SlideRocket - Create, Manage, and Share Presentations on the Web

by kasi77 & 3 others
SlideRocket is a web application that provides everything you need to design professional quality presentations, manage and share libraries of slides and assets, and to deliver presentations in person or remotely over the web.


Christian Fauré » Blog Archive » Bataille rangée autour des interfaces d’accès

by parmentierf
Autour de ce que l’on pourrait nommer de manière générique les interfaces riches il y a profusion d’acronymes : Silverlight, Apollo, WPF, WPF/e, FLEX, AIR, JavaFX, GWT, SWING, etc.

GUI with flex

by pvergain & 1 other
Flex is a way to develop Flash applications by programming. It includes a declarative XML language called MXML for laying out user interfaces, and a programming language called ActionScript, which is a superset of ECMAScript (that is, standardized JavaScript), with extra features like optional static type checking. ActionScript is a single language that works across all platforms, so you don’t have to worry about differences. Because it is based on ECMAScript, your JavaScript knowledge is not lost. All MXML components are actually written in ActionScript, which is what you use if you want to write your own components. Flex applications compile directly into SWFs (Flash binaries), which are then Just-In-Time (JIT) compiled by the Flash runtime, for extra speed.


La fin du HTML pour les applications accessibles via le Web n’est pas pour tout de suite - Gastero Prod

by nhoizey
Laurent Jouanneau part de sa réaction face à l’avènement de SVG et Canvas, annoncés par Tristan Nitot, pour dénoncer l’usage abusif qui est fait de HTML pour développer des applications alors qu’il est normalement dédié aux documents, d’autant plus que de nouvelles technologies plus orientées applications sont déjà disponibles, comme XUL / XPFE.

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag flex

air +   cg +   design +   editor +   free +   music +   navigation +   network +   online +   photoshop +   playlist +   ria +   SUBtv +   tools +   typography +   unsigned +   vectoriel +   video +   web +  

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