by ycc2106Online game that lets players manage their own virtual towns and cities. It’s great fun to play and also teaches players all about energy, sustainability and environmental management in New Zealand.
Breathing Earth
by boninmat & 17 others (via)Simulation présentant les émissions de CO2, naissances et décès en temps réel sur une planisphère.
Palm Discovery» (re)Inspire. (re)Energize. (re)Explore. (re)Discover your Palm. (re)Discover an amazing device that will dramatically change and enhance your life in ways you’ve never imagined. Embark on a personal journey of discovery and enlightenmen
by maceyr(re)Inspire. (re)Energize. (re)Explore. (re)Discover your Palm. (re)Discover an amazing device that will dramatically change and enhance your life in ways you’ve never imagined. Embark on a personal journey of discovery and enlightenment with the Palm. Video and software reviews with Flash simulations/demonstrations are ublished every week with a sprinkling of editorials, tips, and tricks throughout the week.
(9 marks)