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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & library


tlfx - Project Hosting on Google Code

by ronpish
Welcome to the Text Layout Framework Extended project. The TLFX library allows you to easily add HTML/CSS rendered content into your Flash applications. This compatibility layer is built on top of the Adobe sponsored open source Text Layout Framework (TLF) project. The intent is to fulfill the promise of HTML rendering while maintaining a cross platform browser experience that we've come to love using Flash.

Modest Maps

by Spone & 4 others
Modest Maps is a BSD-licensed display and interaction library for tile-based maps in Flash (ActionScript 2.0 and ActionScript 3.0) and Python.



Yahoo! Developer Network - Flash Developer Center

by camel & 2 others
Après sa Yahoo! User Interface Library, les équipes de Yahoo! viennent de publier un ensemble de composants graphiques baptisé ASTRA (ActionScript Toolkit for Rich Applications). Pour faire simple, il s’agit de petits bouts de code pour réaliser tout un tas de trucs (menus en arbre, graphiques…).


amCharts: customizable free flash charts

by ycc2106 & 8 others
Ammap is an interactive flash map creation software. Use this tool to show locations of your offices, routes of your journeys, create your distributor map. Photos or illustrations can be used instead of maps, so you can make different presentations, e-le


by ycc2106 & 6 others
SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities written by Rainer Böhme and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL. Included are: * PDF2SWF A PDF to SWF Converter. Generates one frame per page. Enables you to have fully f

AFLAX: AJAX Library for Flash

by kuruzman & 11 others
AFLAX stands for Asynchronous Flash and XML. AFLAX is a development methodology which combines Ajax and Flash to create more dynamic web based applications. AFLAX is available as a library that enables developers to use JavaScript to fully utilize all of the features of Adobe's Flash runtime -- including graphics, networking, video and camera support.

AFLAX: AJAX Library for Flash

by clochix & 11 others
AFLAX stands for Asynchronous Flash and XML. AFLAX is a development methodology which combines Ajax and Flash to create more dynamic web based applications. AFLAX is available as a library that enables developers to use JavaScript to fully utilize all of the features of Adobe's Flash runtime -- including graphics, networking, video and camera support.


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last mark : 11/10/2006 01:31