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PUBLIC MARKS with tags flash & code



tlfx - Project Hosting on Google Code

by ronpish
Welcome to the Text Layout Framework Extended project. The TLFX library allows you to easily add HTML/CSS rendered content into your Flash applications. This compatibility layer is built on top of the Adobe sponsored open source Text Layout Framework (TLF) project. The intent is to fulfill the promise of HTML rendering while maintaining a cross platform browser experience that we've come to love using Flash.

code · Video for Everybody!

by dzc & 11 others
a chunk of HTML code that embeds a video into a website using the HTML5 video element, falling back to QuickTime and Flash automatically, without the use of JavaScript or browser-sniffing. It therefore works in RSS readers (no JavaScript), on the iPhone / iPad (don’t support Flash) and on many, many browsers and platforms.


ZamfBrowser - Home

by Spone (via)
ZamfBrowser allows developers to unit test ZendAMF Service classes via an Adobe AIR application. Implementation requires a simple edit to the ZendAMF gateway file that allows ZamfBrowser to introspect your server set up and provide access for all classes and methods registered with the Zend_Amf_Server object. For version 1.0 the ZamfBrowser AIR source code is still closed, but it is intended to go Open Source as soon as the source code documentation is complete and a couple of features are implemented that are still in the pipeline.


by ronpish
AS3 TextEditor Lite is a SWC based component for rich text editor which can be used in Flash applications to be developed using Action Script 3 and Adobe Flash CS3 IDE. This component provides features like:


htmlwrapper - Google Code

by camel & 2 others (via)
Wrapper is a cross-browser compliant HTML/CSS rendering engine written in ActionScript that sits on top of your standards compliant HTML page. Wrapper eliminates cross-browser issues and makes integrating ActionScript and HTML/CSS projects possible without needing to compile. Wrappers strives to answer the most common problems web designers face without forcing them to learn too many new things. Most web sites can be created in HTML or CSS, then when you need to extend Wrapper's capabilities you can either use JSON to call functions within ActionScript or you can load compiled plug-ins. Wrapper also has built in methods within CSS to load custom fonts, display elements as any shape, and fill them with linear or radial gradient background colors. ActionScript's event model is also implemented within Wrapper's HTML. Wrapper's best features are the ones that you get for free because of how it is set up. It's like getting all the great features of the Flash Player without needing to deal with compiling and being able to create your content the same way any HTML page would be created. Wrapper is fully accessible to the search engines and integrates well with any back-end technology. Wrapper is currently released as a fully functional open source beta for Flash Player 9. Wrapper is set up as a pre-compiled plug-in but can easily be integrated into any Flex or AIR applications or even as an ActionScript framework for creation of compiled projects.

NiftyPlayer, lecteur Flash MP3 open source| Webmaster - Ressources et outils gratuits pour votre site internet - Free Tools| Free Tools, Le meilleur des outils gratuits pour webmaster

by damdec
NiftyPlayer est très léger (4kb) et son utilisation ne demande aucune connaissance Flash, le fichier à jouer est passé par URL dans le code HTML.

Transformer le code html d’un objet flash en code XHTML valide W3C | Korben

by damdec
Damdec, fidèle lecteur de s’est lancé dans la réalisation d’un laboratoire web (comprenez un site web :-)) dans lequel il règle de façon concrète certains problèmes techniques.


as3httpclient - Google Code

by greut
ActionScript 3 utils/classes to extend HTTP/HTTPS APIs in Flash Player 9

SwfIR : En attendant les CSS3 ? - Babylon-Design - Tutoriaux WebDesign : Adobe Photoshop, XHTML/CSS, Accessibilité

by camel & 1 other (via)
SwfIR n'est pas une marque de produits nettoyant révolutionnaire mais une methode pour appliquer des styles originaux à vos images en passant par un JavaScript et un peu de Flash. Vous connaissiez sIFR, découvrez SwfIR… SwfIR est un script non intrusif, c'est-à-dire qu'outre le fait que vous devez linker un fichier JavaScript à votre page, vous n'avez pas besoin de modifier le code XHTML de votre page. Ce script permet à vos images d'appliquer des styles inexistants en CSS2 : ombres portées, bordures arrondies, coins arrondis, rotation. Le principe est que SwfIR va remplacer les images que vous aurez spécifiées par un Flash qui intégrera ces images pour leur appliquer ces styles.

imhelix ; private, uncommercial

by leslie0809


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document +   embed +   file +   pdf +   xls +  

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