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PUBLIC MARKS with tags firefox & gratuit


Sauvegarder son profil Firefox avec FEBE |

by cascamorto
Firefox Environment Backup Extension (FEBE) est un add-on Firefox permettant d’effectuer des sauvegardes complètes ou partielles de son profil. Thèmes, extensions, marque-pages, historique… sont les quelques éléments que FEBE est capable de préserver en lieu sûr.

XUL Apps > Text Link - outsider reflex

by cascamorto
This allows URI texts written in webpages to be loaded by double clicks.

SkipScreen - a Megaupload, Mediafire, and Rapidshare Plugin for Firefox. Like a free premium account!

by cascamorto
SkipScreen is a free Firefox add-on that skips the clicking and waiting on sites like RapidShare, Megaupload, Mediafire, zShare, and more! Never download music without it.


Open IT Online | View your documents online

by cascamorto & 4 others (via)
Open IT Online is an extension for Firefox, Flock and Internet Explorer that allows to open and edit your documents from everywhere! Thanks to this extension, you will be able to open several types of documents directly in Firefox and Internet Explorer without needing any software to be installed. Get Open IT Online for FirefoxGet Open IT Online for Internet Explorer Open IT Online handles the following type of files: * Documents (*.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, *.odt, *.sxw) * Spreadsheets (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.csv, *.ods, *.sxc) * Presentations (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.pps, *.odp, *.sxi) * Images (*.jpg, *.gif,*.png) Thanks to Open IT Online users can choose to use different online services to open their documents and images: the most popular are Google Docs, Zoho, View Docs Online and Vuzit for documents; Pixlr, Picnik and Snipshot for the images. No need to install Microsoft Office, Star Office, Open Office, Photoshop or any other application: you just need Open IT Online.

BRapid - RS Tool rapidshare toolbar home page

by cascamorto
RS Tool is useful toolbar for Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, which makes searching for rapidshare files much more convenient than ever before ! Having this toolbar, all its users enjoy detecting rapidshare links on viewed webpages, checking files availability and option to show all rapidshare links/files together in a list.

Screengrab :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto & 8 others (via)
Screengrab! saves webpages as images... It will capture what you can see in the window, the entire page, just a selection, a particular frame... basically it saves webpages as images - either to a file, or to the clipboard.

FireShot :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto & 3 others (via)
Avec FireShot il est possible de soit capturer une partie de la fenêtre ou la totalité de la page (et je parle bien de tout le contenu, pas uniquement ce qui est visible à l'écran)

DownThemAll! :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto & 1 other (via)
DownThemAll est fait pour vous : un clic-droit sur la page listera tous les fichiers téléchargeables

CSSViewer :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto
Visualiser les propriétés CSS dans une page web.

XRAY :: for web developers

by cascamorto & 15 others
XRAY is a bookmarklet for Internet Explorer 6+, and Webkit and Mozilla based browsers (including Safari, Firefox, Camino or Mozilla). Use it to see the box model for any element on any web page.

Firebug - Web Development Evolved

by cascamorto & 5 others
Firebug integrates with Firefox to put a wealth of web development tools at your fingertips while you browse. You can edit, debug, and monitor CSS, HTML, and JavaScript live in any web page.

Extension Blogmarks pour Firefox 3.1

by jpcaruana & 4 others, 2 comments
Ce n'est qu'en beta2 mais prenons les devants. Merci Julie :-)

Video DownloadHelper :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto & 2 others
DownloadHelper est un outil pour l'extraction de contenu Web. Son but est de capturer (et convertir) des vidéos et des images depuis de nombreux sites.


XRAY, un nouvel outil efficace pour le développement web

by cascamorto
Si vous êtes développeur ou intégrateur web, il vous arrive certainement souvent de vouloir regarder le code css d’un élément précis sur une page trouvée au hasard du web. Désormais, un simple clic sur le bouton xray et vous pourrez voir la totalité des détails liés à l’élément, tel que les propriétés css et l’héritage de l’élément. Cliquez sur le bouton: Une fenêtre grise apparait et vous propose de cliquer sur un élément du document html. Au clic, xray affichera de nombreuses informations sur l’élément: hauteur/largeur, héritage html, nom d’id où de classe, ainsi que ces propriétés css.

About the game. Heroes of War and Money - free online game | flash game, real time strategy online. Heroes of War And Money

by parmentierf
Heroes of War and Money" appeared in May 2008. Created by a group of people, fascinated with HMM-style world of fantasy and adventure, the game has now grown. People from all over the planet become part of a breathtaking and intriguing world of ancient creatures and heroes. We hope that this free gamewould allow you to dip into the magic and might atmosphere again and again. In course of developing your character, you can participate in single, multiplayer, and soon enough even clan fights. For strategy & economy fans, there is a vast economic model available. Be it a short pause between fight or a complete dedication to the merchant's career, you will be able to quarry and machine dozens of resources types, produce and trade hundreds of artifacts. The game is supported by all modern browsers (Mozilla Firefox is recommended). Usage of newest Flash technologies allows creating most impressing battles without installing any additional files or clients on your computer. Due to that the game requirements for your PC's characteristics and your Internet connection are minimal. Those who use dial-up and GPRS connections will be pleased to know that the game consumes a low amount of traffic. For more information, select a desired section of the game reference from the menu on the left. Please also feel free to ask anything you wonder about at the forum or in the chat.

Main Page

by cascamorto & 1 other
Extensions firefox notamment FireUploader (Universal Uploader)

Text Link :: Modules pour Firefox

by cascamorto
Permet de charger une page WEB seulement grâce à un double-clic sur le texte du lien URL.


Eevee - PC in a browser

by cascamorto
Eevee is remote admin and file transfer tool for your windows box. Eevee does not require installing additional software on the client computer, instead Eevee exports your desktop to a clickable image, visible in your web browser. Eevee works with both Firefox and IE web browsers.

Pearl Crescent Page Saver

by cascamorto & 29 others
Un plugin Firefox pour prendre un screenshot d'une page entière ou partielle. Ca devient un jeu d'enfant maintenant!

Correcteur orthographique 2007 pour Firefox

by LuciferX
Je vous avais parlé dans un précédent billet du correcteur orthographique de Firefox. Sachez qu'une nouvelle version vient de sortir.

Save Complete :: Modules pour Firefox

by jpcaruana
Saves a webpage completely, providing a better alternative to the flawed built-in save functionality of Firefox.

Exif Viewer :: Modules pour Firefox

by jpcaruana (via)
Displays the Exchangeable Image File (Exif) data in local and remote JPEG images

iGraal - Comment ça marche ?

by jpcaruana
Graal est gratuit et s'installe sur Internet Explorer et Mozilla Firefox. Quand vous l’utilisez, il rémunère votre compte en euros, si vous achetez chez un de nos partenaires ( de 300, les plus connus du web sont tous là !).

PUBLIC TAGS related to tag firefox

accessoires +   extensions +   forum +   gecko +   geckozone +   mozilla +   nvu +   ressources +   seamonkey +   site +   thunderbird +  

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